“What are you doing here?” Were the first words I spoke to Max all day as he opened the office door for me. If he knew I was avoiding him, it didn’t show. Now I was kinda hoping I was in trouble to escape his questioning.

“Maximilian isn’t feeling too well, and he asked if you could take him home since he doesn’t think he can drive,” Mrs. Lopez, the secretary, said. I turned to Max for an explanation, but he pulled us out the door immediately.

“You’re not feeling well?” I questioned. Maybe it was true; I wouldn’t know I ashadbeen avoiding him all day.

Max only shrugged. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of school. He didn’t seem sick to me. When we got to his sweet ride, I expected him to hand over the keys so I could take him home, but nope, that was not the case. He got in his car and drove like nothing was wrong.

“Max, what the hell’s going on?” I demanded to know once I had enough of his silence.

“Oh, so you’re done avoiding me now?”

My mouth dropped open. Of course, he knew.

“We have to stop by the UPS store and then go back to my house.”

My stomach fluttered in both a good and bad way at the mention of his home. I knew his parents were out of town and no one was home. The bad part was no one was home. People in this town said many things about me, but none were true, and I wasn’t sure if Max had expectations.

“You pulled me out of class so we can pick up a package?”

“Why don’t we go back to you not talking?” he said. Like most people, I assumed Max’s quietness meant he wasn’t rude or a jerk. Like most people, I was wrong. He could be cocky, but lucky for me he was mostly sweet. Maxkissed my nose before getting out of the car, telling me to wait for him. He was acting a little edgy, but I wasn’t too worried. This was Max; he was the most honest guy I knew. When he returned, he gave me the box and sped his way back to his house.

“What is it?” I asked, trying to open it, only to have my hand smacked.

“Patience is key, babe.” If I didn’t love the way he called me babe, I would have thrown the box out the window to prove a point that patience could kiss my ass, but he sounded cute as hell when he called me babe, so I couldn’t be mean.

Like always, I waited in the car while Max got out to open my door. While he went around, I took in the monstrosity of a house he called home. This was the first time I had ever been here. We mostly just hung out at Rusty’s dad’s garage, the field, or in front of my trailer. I always wondered why the Dunnetts didn’t build their house by the lake. Those houses were beautiful. From what my grandpa said, Max’s grandfather was a stand-up guy who wanted to be a part of the community.

“Wow,” the word slipped out when we passed the threshold. Max’s living room was the size of my whole trailer and then some. I was used to my little space, my gramps and everything I needed within reach. There was no use for more. At least I didn’t think so, but looking at this house made me feel small and ask myself the question I hated to think about, but sometimes crossed my mind.

Why me?

“Come, my room is this way.” He led me by the hand while I gaped at his home. Did he judge my trailer? I mean, he’d never been in my room, but he had to know how small my place was in comparison. Did he feel caged whenever he went to visit me? The questions just kept popping in my head. It was a game of whack-a-mole, except for every time I reassured myself, a new question would pop up, making me feel so… so out of his league.

“Max, why am I here? Let me tell you, if you think you can bring me to your room just because your parents are away, it doesn’t mean that I’m sleeping with you.” I crossed my arms and stood by the door, refusing to take a step into his room even though I was dying of curiosity.

He turned and smiled. It wasn’t a mean smile; it was soft, and his eyes gleamed.

“That’s not why I brought you here.” His cheeks were red.

We had never discussed sex at all, and I had just jumped the gun. I really needed to keep my big mouth in check. Why would I even thinkthat? God, Max always stopped before things got a little heated.

“Here, this is for you.” He handed me the box. “There’s a bathroom in my room. I thought you could try it on and tell me if you liked it.”

I looked down at the box like it was a bomb.

Oh God, was it lingerie?

This was Max, he wasn’t a player like his brother. I told myself I went into his room mostly out of curiosity, but Iwas lying because other things crossed my mind at the thought of both of us being alone in his bed. Why did Max always stop? Did he not want me in that way? Jesus, I was acting crazy.

“What is it?” My hands gripped the box while I watched Max take a seat on the edge of his king-sized bed. I was amusing him again, I could tell by the crinkle in his eyes.

“Just close the door and open the damned box, Freya.” I knew what he was thinking by the look he gave me. I was so impatient to open it in the car, but now that I had it, I couldn’t do it.

“Shit, what if it’s lingerie, and he wants me to model it?” I said to my reflection. I was already looking for a bottle of shampoo so I could pour it all over him if that were the case. When I got enough courage and opened the box, my eyes watered at the sight of the royal blue dress. It was beautiful, so soft and silky and covered with silver gems all over. My boy got me a dress, a beautiful homecoming dress. I didn’t let myself think what this meant, but I put the dress on anyway. I felt beautiful wearing it. I had never owned anything so pretty and expensive. Most of my things were thrift finds or I made my own. The dress was short and puffy with a sweetheart neckline.

I loved it.

At the bottom of the box was a matching tie.