Seven fucking long years, andshewaltzes back into town as if nothing had changed. Seven fucking long years, and she walks back into my life just as I had stopped seeing her in everything I did.
When I made it to the loft above my law practice, the first thing I did was grab the bottle of scotch and pour myself a drink, then another. After the third drink, my blood had stopped racing, my anger had faded, and I was back to my calm self.
A bitter laughed escaped me when I realized Freya Pratt was still the one person who could make me lose control.The thought pissed me off, and I ended up flinging the empty glass across the room, watching it shatter right before my eyes. This wasn’t real, it couldn’t be, but the sweet smell of apples followed me home. It was the first thing I noticed, even in the auto shop with the smell of oil and fumes. It was a nostalgic smell that reminded me of high school and memories I wished I had forgotten. Then she spoke, and every memory I had pushed back came back front and center.
I needed to get far away from Freya before I let go of whatever pride I had left and begged for answers.
My ringing cell phone woke me up the next morning. My neck was stiff from falling asleep on the sofa. The bottle of scotch was empty and a slight hangover was forming.Fuck me.I was losing my shit for a selfish bitch who didn’t think twice when she dropped me.
“Hello,” I answered on my way to wash my face, trying to at least feel a little normal.
Right away, Sandy, my multitasking secretary, began ranting in my ear. “I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Dunnett. I know today isn’t your day to come and check things at the factory, but your brother isn’t here yet. I already called him three times, and he hasn’t answered. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but you have the investors coming in later today.”
“Sandy, it’s okay. I’ll be there in a few.”
Shit, where the fuck was my brother? Prescott should have been overseeing the factory today. I get that he was running for mayor, but we still had our obligations. I got changed fast, throwing on pants and a button-up shirt. Ineeded coffee to help with my hangover. I couldn’t believe my brother. We needed this deal to go through since the one I got three years ago would expire soon. The company we’d been helping assemble the parts for went out of business, so we needed a new contractor to keep all our employees. Things would also be easier if every once in a while my sister came and did her share. Juliet was in Minneapolis with her husband, Chad. She preferred city life.
Emma’s was empty when I stopped by for a cup of coffee. Someone had already filled the spot for the quote of the day. I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me; I was sure little Em did not write it herself.I got myself. I’ll catch myself. I’ll pick up myself. Fuck relying on anyone. I got me.
“This is different, who wrote this?” I headed over to get my regular. I was sure she worked on it as soon as she saw my car pull up. That was just the kind of business owner she was.
“It was hectic this morning. I didn’t catch them, but I like it. It’s more assertive, aggressive even, but inspiring.” She was cleaning the countertop even though there weren’t any stains on it. Any other time I would pry, but today I was already running late, and I had enough of my own problems; I didn’t need more.
“I like it too, but I disagree with that statement. It’s always nice to have people who care about you lend a hand.”
Emma said nothing back. I didn’t expect her too, but I liked the girl, liked how she ran her business, and I would hate for her to one day close shop. I knew she wouldn’t sayanything, but if it weren’t for Harold at the bank mentioning it, I wouldn’t have any idea that Emma was struggling.
As I made my way to the warehouse, I had to talk myself out of driving down the road just to see that old trailer. Nothing good would come of it. Right now I was acting like an addict that remembered how good his drug of choice made him feel.
“Oh, thank goodness you are here. I was freaking the F out.” Sandy came running toward me, her black hair in a tight bun like always and wearing a nice pantsuit. She was holding a stack of papers I had to go through before the investors got here.
“Hey, Sandy, can you do me a huge favor? Can you get flowers delivered?” At least that would take care of one of my problems for today.
Sixteen years old
Homecoming was justaround the corner, and Max had yet to bring it up. I didn’t want to mention it because that would makemesound desperate. And I wasn’t desperate. I mean, it wasn’t like I was planning on a particular color or whatever.
Since we’d been together for a year, perhaps he didn’t think he needed to ask me. Was there such a rule? Why was I making such a big deal about a stupid dance? I guess it would show people how together we were.
For the first eight months, we kept things low key; only Rusty and Grandpa knew about us. Neither of them liked it very much, but like me, they saw that Max was different; he was special.We got in a fight in the hallway at school because of that low key status. Max was mad because Prescott made some lewd comment at me. Nothing newthere. It was actually surprising he had not done it sooner. It was almost the end of the year when Max took me on a real date to Franny’s. Since classes would be over soon, we didn’t care much for the fallout. Max never got me fresh flowers again. He was attentive, sweet, and kind. He was the perfect boyfriend, always doing little things to make me feel special. I knew I wasn’t an easy person to be with. He made it seem easy and effortless, like something that just came naturally to him.
I was in my speech class when Jana got a bunch of balloons and chocolates delivered to her by Gary Newton, her boyfriend. All of the cooing going around turned Jana’s face beet red, but she was loving it. Not to mention, I saw the smirk she sent my way.What did your boyfriend get you?At least, I think that’s what she meant by that evil smirk.
Abigail turned to look at me. “So, what are you and Max going to do on Saturday since you guys aren’t going to the dance? Besides, even if he asked, what would you wear? Dresses cost money and based on your hand-me-downs, you have none.”
I wanted to say something, but what could I say? I didn’t know if Max even wanted to go. I had never gone to a dance. Rusty didn’t go either; he said it was a waste of money, and in the past, Grandpa didn’t let me go if Rust didn’t go. And even if Max asked, Abigail was right, I had nothing to wear.
“I’ll see you on Saturday,” I bit back. Meanwhile, Abigail and her posse laughed. Sticks and stones, I reminded myselfthroughout class, but sometimes sticks and stones didn’t cut it. Nothing played you like your insecurities, and damn did my insecurities love to play with me.
Walking into the cafeteria, I went to my usual spot where I ate by myself. Max and Rusty both had a different lunch break than I did, and I hated it. The school wasn’t huge, so the chances of getting a lunch break with your friends were one in three since there were only three breaks. Being alone didn’t bother me before, but now that I knew how it felt to have someone, it made me feel… lonely.
In the middle of lunch, Prescott came in with the school band to ask a girl to homecoming.
It reallyannoyed mebecause it wasn’t me being asked to homecoming by the other Dunnett brother. I was being a little petty, wasn’t I? My mood didn’t improve the whole day. I even avoided going to my locker just so I wouldn’t have to see Max. I didn’t want him to think I was somestupid little girl in case he didn’t want to go to homecoming.
I was in my last class when the secretary called asking me to report to the main office. This was a new one. It was usually my teachers sending me to the main office, not the other way around. I was trying to think of what I had done in the past few weeks that could have gotten me in trouble, but I came up blank.