At ten, Stacy had more life experience than most her age.She’d been through so much.But she understood she couldn’t go back to her father.
Nick continued.“Foster care is supposed to be temporary, until you either return to your family, or you get adopted to a forever home.”
Stacy shook her head.“I don’t want to go back to my dad.Besides, he’s in jail for what he did to me.Right?”
“Yes, he is.But you still have a couple of options.”Nick looked at Aria.
She gave him a nod to keep going.
“Maybe you’d like to check out Wyoming and Aria and my new house.”
“Really?”The excitement made Stacy vibrate.
“Really.”Nick took a deep breath.“We came here today so we could ask you what you want to do next.After we leave here, we’re going to see your dad and I’ll tell him your answer.You have a few options.Number one: You can stay in foster care until your grandmother settles her legal troubles and can take you in to live with her.Number two: You can stay in foster care here in Montana, hopefully with Anne, but you could be moved to another home, even several more homes depending on the situation.”
Aria’s heart ached that this was so many children’s reality.
Stacy shook her head to both those choices.
Nick went on.“Number three: If your father gives up his right to be your parent, then you could be adopted by a forever family.”Unfortunately, the odds of her being adopted at her age were small.“The last option is one Aria and I talked about and hope you choose.If you want, you could choose us.”
She nodded, tears running down her face.“I choose you.”She threw herself into Nick’s chest.“Yes.Yes.Yes.You.”
Nick hugged her close.
Aria had tears trailing down her face as she softly rubbed Stacy’s back.
Nick tipped up Stacy’s chin, so she was looking at him.“It’s not going to be right away.We have to talk to your dad about giving us custody and letting us adopt you.That means, for right now, you’ll have to stay in foster care with Anne.”
Stacy looked from Nick to Aria and back again.“How long?”
“I’m not sure yet.We will try to get everything sorted out as quickly as possible.”
Aria tapped Stacy’s forearm to get Stacy to turn to her.“We have to ask a judge to make us a family.It takes time to do all the paperwork and get everyone to agree, but if this is what you want, Nick and I will work really hard to make it happen as soon as we can.”
Nick hugged her to his side.“In the meantime, we have Anne’s phone number and can call and video chat with you.We’ll update you with everything that’s going on, so you know what’s happening.”Nick hated to bring her past into this, but there was something else she needed to know.“I have something to tell you about the case.The man your dad gave you to…”
“Perry.”She screwed her lips and nose into an ew face.
“Yes.Him.He was arrested and is in jail.He can’t ever hurt you again.In fact, he confessed to everything, so you won’t have to testify in court about him.”
Tears gathered in her eyes.“What about my dad and grandma?”
“Your dad confessed as well.He’s already plead guilty and will be sentenced and taken to prison very soon.Your grandma made a deal to get an easier sentence that means she won’t go to prison.Instead she’ll do community service and have a suspended sentence, which means if she does anything wrong again, she’ll go to prison.”
“But she can’t see me, right?”The shake of her head told him she didn’t want to see her.
Nick asked anyway.“Do you want to see her?”
“No.She hates me.”Stacy’s gaze dropped to her feet.
Aria touched her chin with her finger and gently pushed to get Stacy to look at her.“I don’t think that’s true.I think she resented your father for being such a bad parent, making her have to help out, and she took out her resentment on you.”
Stacy bottom lip puffed out.“She never wanted me around.”
Aria’s heart broke.“That’s her loss.Because you’re amazing.So much so that we want to be with you all the time, sweet girl.”Aria nodded vigorously, so Stacy would see and take in those words.
Stacy stared up at Nick.“I wish I could just go with you.”