“Me, too.But I promise it will be soon.And when it’s all done, you’ll have a forever family.”
“A really big one,” Aria added.“With grandparents and aunts and uncles.”
Stacy finally smiled.“And Lyric’s baby.”
“My brother Jax is having one, too.”Aria grinned.“Wildes and Gunns.That’s who you’ll belong to, sweetheart.And we can’t wait.”
Stacy nodded.“Okay.Yes.I choose you.”
Nick looked over Stacy’s head at Aria, a sheen of tears in his eyes and joy on his face.“We’re getting a kid.”
She brushed a tear from her cheek.“Some things are just meant to be.”
“Like you and me.”
Her grin widened.“Definitely you and me and her.”
“Can we get a dog?”Stacy asked, and he and Aria laughed.
“Let’s start with getting you home with us first.”He hugged her to him.
Stacy looked up at him.“If I go live with you guys, will you be my parents?”
Nick nodded.“Eventually, yes.Why?”
“So I’ll have a mom and dad?”She looked so earnest and hopeful.
Aria could see plainly by the look in Nick’s eyes that this little girl had stolen his heart and owned it.“Yes.”
Stacy turned and looked up at Anne.“I’m getting a new family.”
Anne smiled down at her.“It sounds like a really good one, too.”
“We’re so lucky that you chose us.”Aria couldn’t let this little warrior girl grow up in foster care.Not when she and Nick could give her a home and the love and kindness and decency that had been lacking in her life.
Stacy deserved all of that and more.
Anne stood on the step.“Would you like to join us for lunch?”
She and Nick exchanged a look, saying yes to each other, all without a word.
Aria nodded and stood with the others.They went inside and enjoyed the lovely meal Anne had put together for them.Turkey sandwiches, parmesan pasta salad, and fresh fruit.After lunch, they checked out Stacy’s room, made a list of things she’d need if she moved in with Aria and Nick, and showed her pictures of the house so she could pick out her room.
Maybe they were getting a bit ahead of themselves, but Aria wanted everything to be ready when Stacy arrived.She wouldn’t even consider that they wouldn’t get Stacy.If nothing else, they could become foster parents and keep her that way.But she and Nick really wanted to make things official.They wanted Stacy to know she would always have a place with them.
They ended the day after playing a board game, which Stacy and Nick won together against her and Anne.
Aria waved goodbye to Stacy and Anne from the bottom of the porch stairs.“I’ll call you tomorrow, Stacy.Thank you, Anne, for taking care of our girl.”
Stacy blushed.
Anne waved and said, “My pleasure.”
Nick took Aria’s hand, but stared up at Stacy.“Is there anything you want us to say to your dad when we see him tomorrow?”
She ran down the steps and wrapped her hand around Nick’s wrist, her eyes pleading with him.“Tell him I want to go with you.He has to let me go with you.”
Nick nodded.“I’ll tell him.”He kissed her on the head.