Page 111 of Wilde In His Arms

Nick squeezed her hand again.“Yes.Though I knew it was coming.”

Despite the tears, she smiled at him.“You did this.”

“I’d do anything for you and her.”

Judge Kerrich leaned in.“Do you want Stacy to be your daughter?”

Aria, his kindhearted wife, looked at the judge and spoke the truth.“She already is.”

Stacy’s wide smile matched Aria’s.

“We do,” Nick answered the question for both of them.

Judge Kerrich went on with the little ceremony they’d planned to make this special for Stacy.“And will you love, honor, cherish, and keep safe this beautiful child?Will you be the light that outshines the dark?Will you be the parent, teacher, and protector she deserves?”

“We will,” Nick and Aria said in unison.

Judge Kerrich put his hand over Nick and Aria’s joined hands.“Then from this day forward, you will be a family, a bond that shall never be broken, a place that you shall always be held in each other’s hearts.”He looked past them to their guests.“I present to you, Nick, Aria, and Stacy Gunn.”

Judge Kerrich signed the papers.

Their family and friends clapped and cheered, many of them brushing away their own tears.

Nick picked up Stacy, wrapped his free arm around Aria, and held his girls close.

“So that’s it, she’s ours?”Aria asked, stunned.

Nick looked into Stacy’s pretty green eyes.“You’re ours, sprite.Forever.”

She threw her arms around both of them.“I love you so much.”

“We love you, too.”Aria held her close, her eyes locked on him, and he saw everything she didn’t say out loud to him.She loved him.She thanked him for making this happen.She adored their child.She couldn’t wait for them to start making a million memories together.

Nick released Aria for a moment and pulled out the silver chain from his pocket.He held it up in front of Stacy.“Mommy got a brand new ring today for our wedding.So I thought maybe you should get something special, too, for your adoption day.”

She grabbed hold of the small silver disc with the three gems on it with her new initials—SG—and today’s date.

Aria grinned.“Nick, you put all our birthstones on it.”

Stacy’s smile kicked up a notch.“That’s so cool.I love it.”

Aria took the chain and put it around Stacy’s neck.

“So a little piece of us will always be with you.”Nick kissed her cheek.

Aria kissed him.“You’re incredible.”

Stacy hugged them both tight and it was perfect.

Bonus Epilogue


“Hey, sprite, how was school today?”

“Dad!”Stacy ran across the backyard and right into his arms.

Nick scooped her up and kissed her cheek.He’d taken an extra week off work to spend time at home with her and Aria after the honeymoon.