Page 110 of Wilde In His Arms

She didn’t disappoint.The second he saw her face, she smiled so big, her cheeks pinked and her eyes lit up, seeing him.And then he saw the dress as she stepped into the room, and wow, she blew his mind.All he could do was say, “Gorgeous.”

She must have read his lips because her smile went up to megawatt.

Her father walked Aria to him.Her mother had tears in her eyes as Aria passed her.His mom and dad both looked overwhelmed with joy.

And then she was right in front of him.

Her dad put her hand in his and said, “Take care of each other.”Then he went to take his seat beside Robin.

Nick stared into Aria’s eyes and felt every beat of love coming from his heart.“You’re stunning.”

“I’m going to say this one last time, since I only got to say it for a few weeks, but myfiancéeis gorgeous.”

Their loved ones all laughed.

“Let’s turn that into husband and wife, shall we?”Judge Kerrich asked.

Aria handed her flowers to her sister Lyric.

Nick held his hand out to Stacy, who moved in between him and Aria and held both their hands.They made a circle.Unbroken.A family.

“You look so pretty, Mommy.”

Aria bent and kissed Stacy on the forehead.“So do you, my sweet girl.”Aria turned to the judge and nodded for him to go ahead, then her beautiful blue gaze held his with so much love, sincerity, and certainty, he knew she was thinking the same thing he was.We’re forever.

“Love is magical.That chemistry combined with kismet brings people together.In this case, love brought Aria and Nick together.And that love expanded when Stacy came into their lives.Because of love, they will become a family here today.”

It felt like Nick blinked and the I dos were done and he had a platinum band on his hand and Aria had a diamond eternity band around hers.The best part, he was kissing her again and again as everyone clapped.

“Can I say it now, Daddy?”Stacy tugged on his pant leg.

He reluctantly broke the kiss with hiswife.“One second, sprite.We have one more thing to do.”

She looked at him, confused, because they hadn’t practiced this part.Even his new wife didn’t know about this.

Nick took Aria’s hand and kissed the back of it right above her new ring.“Our first wedding gift is the one we both want more than anything.”

Aria eyed him curiously, but didn’t say anything.

Nick turned to the judge.“If you’ll do the honors, please.”

Judge Kerrich held up the papers so everyone could see them.“We have just witnessed the union between Nick and Aria, but there is someone else here who wants very much to be a part of their union.Isn’t that right, Stacy?”

Confusion filled her eyes.“What?”

“Do you, Stacy Elizabeth Cabot, want Nick and Aria Gunn to be your forever mom and dad?”

She nodded her head over and over again.“Oh, yes.I do.”

“Do you, Aria and Nick, want Stacy to be your daughter?”

Nick squeezed Aria’s hand.

Tears fell down her cheeks.“This is happening right now?”

Nick nodded.“I asked the judge if he’d make an exception and allow us to become a family together at the same time.”

“That’s why we had the surprise home visit?”