Something passed between the men, a look that they all understood but that left me isolated and confused.

“What’s going on?” I cradled the cup between my palms. The room looked different in the morning, but that could be me projecting this sudden change in mood.

Liam rolled himself closer, pulling with his heels in the carpet. Alexander rolled his eyes at Liam but didn’t stop him like I expected. Ethan followed Liam at a slower pace. They stopped before I felt too closed in. Alexander dragged a chair over from the table and sat, the three of them lined up like militia men prepared to take a blow.

“We have some questions for you.” Alexander set his coffee cup on his knee. The ripple of unease in his voice and the sudden tightness in his shoulders brought me fully upright.

I swung my feet to the floor.

Liam held up a hand. “Don’t scare her to fucking death, Alexander.” He blew hair from his eyes, the tousled strands more out of control than ever. “Last night was amazing.”

“And we want to continue,” Ethan spoke almost before Liam finished. He tugged at his open collar and cleared his throat. “If that’s what you want.”

I dared to make them wait while I took a sip of coffee and let the bold flavors wash over my tongue. “I need a little more information. You want to continue what? Fucking me?”

Liam nodded vigorously. “Yes.”

“In what capacity?” I tried to stop myself, but curiosity took hold, making me bolder than I’d ever been. “Like last night? All three of you at once? What are the parameters of the question?”

“Anything you want.” Earnest in a way I’d never expected, Alexander sat forward. His legs were splayed open in a move I’d always assumed was a power play but on Alexander made him look like a king on his golden throne. He had a carelessness about him this morning, a casually relaxed stance that I mentally attributed to my presence.

I held back my pleasure at hearing that they still wanted me. I’d worried that they would be the one and done kind who couldn’t wait to be rid of me. “If I said I wanted all three of you, at the same time, you’d make that happen?”

“Is that what you want?” Liam’s feet tapped on the floor in a constant state of anxiousness I found endearing.

“I’m saying that I’ve had some rather raunchy sexual experiences in the past and I want to know exactly what I’m getting into.” I continued drinking my coffee and enjoying the myriad expressions playing out across all three of their faces.

Alexander fisted his hands on his thighs. “I need context. What kind of raunchy experiences?”

“I’m going to be utterly candid with you. Okay?” I waited for their accepting nods. “I’ve never had luck with men my age. As a teenager, I expected sex to be bad because no one knew what the fuck they were doing. Once I hit my twenties, I figured surely things would get better.”

The old weight of disappointment hit hard and fast in my gut.

“You’ve had orgasms, though, right?” A concerned look pinched Liam’s face. “Surely at some point you had a man pleasure you.”

“Eh.” I rocked my hand side to side. “Nothing better than what I managed myself.”

“Fuck.” Ethan sat back so hard the chair groaned. “I’m sorry, Clara.”

“It’s not your fault. And I’m not telling you this so you’ll feel sorry for me. I want you to understand that last night was the best night of my life. I don’t presume to ask you to make it that good every time.” I wanted to, though. I wanted sex like that all the time, every time. Mind-blowing sex was good for my heart and soul. “I’ve learned that promises are not always what they’re cracked up to be. Anyone can promise you the world, but they might deliver a tiny earth on a keychain when you expected a slice of the moon on a silver platter.”

“I’ll promise you that sex with us will always be that good.” Liam tossed his hair from his eyes with a cockiness that spurredme to the edge of the couch. “We can make you come in ways you’ve never even thought of.”

“Promises, promises.” I sang back to him with a wry twist to my lips. “Look, I appreciate the sentiment. Having sex with you is amazing. Best I’ve ever had.” I pointed at Liam. “Stop grinning like that. I’m trying to be serious.”

He smoothed his expression. “Sorry.”

“You’re going to think I’m weird, but I’ve told you this much. Might as well add the rest.” I finished the coffee and set the cup aside. “I fell in love once. Thought he was the man of my dreams.” I shook my head at the memory. “We talked about waiting to have sex but decided why bother.” Memories of our time together forced my body into a new shudder. “It was horrible.”

Ethan glanced sideways at Alexander. “I’m afraid to ask, but I have to know. What happened?”

The fact that I sat facing my bosses, naked except for a blanket after having sex with all three of them one after the other cured me of any shame, but I still winced as I answered. “He liked to try things. Weird things. Kinky things. Things I might’ve been okay with if he knew what he was doing.”

“Not much worse than a bumbling fool in the bedroom.” Alexander shifted his weight toward me. “You don’t have to worry about that with us, but if we do bring up something you don’t like, you can tell us no.”

“We expect you to tell us no,” Ethan clarified. “We’ve never done this, shared a woman, before.”

“But we’re here for your pleasure.” Liam scooted closer, then closer still, until he reached forward and settled a hand on my knee. “Did the experience at least give you some insight into things you like and things you don’t enjoy?”