Alexander wanted to knock them back. I saw it in the sudden clenching in his jaw, but he held himself in check. “There’s one way to find out.”
I followed his gaze to Clara, still snuggled into the couch. She made tiny puffing sounds when she breathed. Her hair lay mussed around her face, her lips still swollen from our kisses. She kicked a leg from beneath the blanket, exposing her thigh.
“I’ll get it.” Ethan stood. “It’s too cold for her to be uncovered.”
“Want me to get another blanket?” Surely someone else had one stowed away. I needed to get out of this room before I wokeClara up and asked her then and there if she’d let us have her again.
“We need to figure this out first.” Alexander held up a hand to stop me from interrupting. “We all agree we want this to continue?”
Ethan and I nodded.
Alexander’s tense expression eased. He didn’t smile, but I recognized the moment he discovered we were all on the same page. Three of us with one woman. “If she agrees, we need to be sure we understand how this works.” I motioned between us. “What we just did, that’s what we’re getting into.”
“If she agrees, she can also choose to have us individually, alone.” That low bank of repressed power glinted in Alexander’s eyes. “If she wants others to watch, we watch. If she wants to be truly alone, we allow that too.”
“That’ll be hardest for you, so make sure you can agree to that.” I pointed out Alexander’s fatal flaw without hesitation. “You’re the jealous one. If Clara wants to have sex with me in another room and then doesn’t want either of you afterward, can you handle that?”
His jaw flexed and his knee bounced beneath the table.
Ethan stared up at the ceiling while taking slow, measured breaths. “I’m willing to be whatever Clara needs.”
“And if she says that she’s done with us?” I pushed because Alexander needed to answer these questions instead of ask them. “If she says no to continuing to fuck us?”
Alexander’s lip hiked up in a snarl. “Don’t make it sound so base.”
“Answer the fucking question.” I refused to get drawn into Alexander’s bullshit.
He cursed long enough to run out of breath but finally nodded. “If she says no, we find a way to make peace with it.”
“Agreed.” I fist-bumped Ethan and hoped like hell that Clara said yes.
Where? My body awakened before my brain, and a cold chill snaked down my spine. Where was I? One eye cracked open. The view from the couch brought it all back in a rush. Ethan, Alexander, and Liam were scattered around the room. They still wore their suits, though Ethan had pulled his shirt free and left it hanging around his waist. Alexander was as buttoned-up as ever, except he’d left his tie draped across the back of a chair.
I shifted my feet as quietly as I could, hoping to pull them back under the blanket without letting them know I was awake. I’d never gotten to study them before, and I’d be damned if I passed up the chance to see them like this.
Liam lounged in Alexander’s chair, his feet propped on the edge of the desk. My thighs and core gave off a delicious ache. I’d been well and truly fucked last night, and I’d loved every minute of it. I knew women who’d shudder at my use of the word fucked, but it was a real, raw, and passionate word that encompassed everything I felt happened. I’d wanted them, and they’d delivered.
Ethan tugged the curtains apart and peered outside. A world of brilliant white shone back, sunlight refracting off the snow and sending grayish light into the room. He closed the curtains and grunted. I expected frustration or anger at the delay, but Ethan looked content to sink onto the windowsill and sit back, completely relaxed.
I must have made some noise, because Alexander pivoted to face me. A small grin hitched one side of his mouth. “Morning, beautiful.”
“Stop that.” I waved off the compliment. “I probably look like the troll under the bridge.”
“Never.” He picked up a black carafe and poured coffee into a white mug with Summit’s logo stamped across the side. Still grinning, he carried the cup over and held it out to me. “Coffee?”
I scooted into a sitting position, not caring that I was naked beneath the blanket. They’d already seen every inch of my body and been pleased. I’d never suffered from morning-after shame. No need to start now. Still, there was enough of a biting cold in the air for me to tuck the blanket beneath my armpits as I accepted the cup from him with a pleased sigh and brought it to my lips.
“Careful, it’s hot,” Alexander cautioned. Steam curled up and over the edge of the cup.
I lowered it before burning my mouth. “What time is it?”
Ethan filled his own cup, then topped off Liam’s. “Almost eight.”
How the hell did he make coffee hot enough to blister my lips while a blizzard raged outside? Who the fuck cared?