Page 63 of Sheltering Instinct

“No pressure, Tess,” Levi said. “You don’t owe anyone anything.”

“I know,” she smiled at him. “I want to. But I’d like to know more about the structure, before I commit myself, to see if I can handle it.”


“Yes, this structure is for two lost persons. The main subject, Levi, will be in the front of the structure. You would enter into the back side of the structure. There is a box that hasspaces for air and is very safe. Before you go, one of our K9 will search the entire area for anything that might bother you. Either of you can signal at any time and for any reason that you want to be removed from the training. But we ask that you lay still and not make any noise. We are testing Mojo’s ability to track a single individual's scent from a scent source.”

“That sounds okay.” Tess nodded. “I can do that.”

“The idea,” Kimba continued, “is that Levi’s scent will be offered to Mojo. He is asked to find the one scent. Once Levi is found and rewarded. We want to see if Mojo is aware of another lost person that he was not asked to find and how he handles the situation. And we have added a twist.” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them back and forth in anticipation.

Levi leaned in. “Are you going to tell me, Kimba, or is it a surprise?”

“There is a camping site set up near where you will hide. Mojo will pass that before he gets to you. We have placed three of the scent sources you gave Enrico yesterday in the tent. These were positioned near objects that Mojo might see.”

“Listening.” A slow smile spread across Reaper’s face.

“When Mojo finds Levi, I will lie down on the ground and tell Mojo that I’m hurt and that he needs to find a solution to help you.”

“A puzzle,” Reaper said with a full-on grin. “I like it.”

“We shall see what we see,” Kimba concluded. “This is a complex rescue for him.”

“But he’s trained for it, right?” Levi asked.

“Here in the park, anything can happen at any time,” Kimba said. “Our dogs are trained from the time they are puppies to identify items by their names and retrieve them. They are also trained to assess a situation and figure out the best item to bring when there is no command other than ‘Help.’ Whenthey do this well, they get what Enrico likes to call a ‘high-dollar reward.’ That makes it one of their favorite games.”

Enrico clapped a hand on Levi's shoulder. “All right. Luckily, today, it’s not as hot as yesterday. For those lying in the structure, there are blankets for padding and water for your comfort. Remember that at any time you wish, you may leave the scenario.” His head swung toward Tess, and Levi was relieved that his gaze continued on without making eye contact. Tess absolutely despised the idea that someone would think she was weak.

No one shouldeverthink that of her.

There were few people that Levi had met in his life who had such a strong moral character and who faced their demons with such determination.

From what Levi had learned about the job that she and Gwen did, it looked like Tess was right there witnessing the human condition at its most vulnerable, facing her triggers.

Her desire to help was what made Tess Tess.

Leaving Mojo with Enrico, Levi followed behind Tess and Kimba to a quad.

As Kimba drove over the bumpy ground, the wind caught up Tess’s curls, and she pulled her hair around, holding it in her fist.

The drive was farther than Levi had thought it would be, but he understood the location once they’d arrived. Out in the distance, there was a thick grove of half-dead trees. Short and scrappy, the trunks weren’t much taller than his six-foot-four frame.

“I will not walk with you,” Kimba explained. “I don’t want to add my scent to the trail. And Tess, if you coul maintain a path about ten feet or more to Levi’s left, it would be helpful. When you get to the structure, Tess should circle clockwise and Levi counterclockwise to the openings, get comfortable, and thenclose the door. Mojo will be trailing only Levi’s scent.” Kimba handed Levi a GPS unit with a flag marking a spot. “Follow this out. If you want to circle trees and wend yourself around, that will complicate the trail. A K9 swept the area ten minutes ago, and we have a man with a radio on overwatch to warn you. Inside the structure, it is safe from most things.”

“Most?” Tess pursed her lips.

“Rhino and elephants would be a problem. Now, as you get out toward the far side, there is a tent. We prefer that you not go into the tent but do walk up to the door and walk to the waypoint that I’ve handed you. The zipper is at a height that will force Mojo to crawl inside if he wants to search there.”

“Excellent,” Levi said.

Kimba pulled out two walkie-talkies, handing one first to Tess and then to Levi. “You know how these work?” He looked directly at Tess.

“Yes, I use them in the field.”

“Good then. The station has been set specifically for this rescue mission. You will hear our radio chatter. We wish you to have them as low as possible so as to not alert Mojo. But you must be able to hear, lest we need to warn or instruct you.” He smiled broadly. “Are you ready for some fun?”

“Absolutely.” Levi grinned and stretched out a hand to shake with Kimba. “See you in a few.”