“In two days’ time,” Levi added as Enrico pulled to a stop next to a building, and the group all piled out.
But rather than walking toward the waiting rangers, they formed a circle.
“Gwen, this conversation started with you saying that conspiracy theories were creating problems for you at your conference?” Iris said. “If it affected your work, does that mean it had to do with Africa? Or even Namibia in particular?”
“In a way. Are you ready for this?”
“Doubtful,” Craig said, leaning back against the vehicle.
“We’ll explain more this evening when Enrico’s colleague is along. But in general, there is an unprecedented shift in the winds. The conspiracy theorists think that the American insurance companies have developed a way to manipulate the winds in such a way as to make themselves more profitable. And that this year, they’re testing it out.”
“Wait.” Reaper closed his eyes with a quick shake of his head, then popped his lids back open. “What now?”
“More tonight about the weather issues happening in Africa and Europe, but in America, the theory goes that the insurance companies were able to hold the winds on the east side of the Atlantic near Africa and Europe, saving East Coast USA from hurricanes. Then they tested to see if they could bring a hurricane inland and thrust it northward.”
“Following that thought,” Iris wrapped a hand around her neck. “Why would the insurance companies do that? They lost billions.”
“They did it to test their equipment,” Tess was definitely looking defeated, and Levi wanted more than anything to take her into his arms and comfort her. He shoved his hands in his pockets instead.
“Mom, the conspiracy theorists are saying that the insurance companies can manipulate the winds. The goal this year is to make the market hot by destroying homes. Everyone desperately wants to protect their house investment and will pay whatever it takes to keep their insurance in place. Next, the insurance companies turn off the wind and rake in the premium money caused by this year’s panic. But the insurance companies have no fear they’ll need to pay any future claims since they can direct the wind. The insurance industry gets mega-wealthy, and the executives go on to live plush lives.”
“Wait,” Levi stabbed his hands onto his hips, leaning forward. “They’re saying what now?”
Chapter Twenty
When Levi opened the hatch to get Mojo down from the transport, he jumped to the ground, his tail wagging happily. He obviously knew where he was and what was coming. “Mojo, we could light a house with the amount of energy pouring off of you, dude.” Grinning down at Mojo, where he sat patiently impatiently at his side, Levi was grateful that Reaper and Goose had been on the same page with him so far.
They were all impressed with Mojo’s actions yesterday when he moved with ease from a staged training session with copters and take-downs to a real-world mission with possible life-or-death consequences.
Enrico gestured toward the man approaching. “My colleague, Kimba, is a military K9 handler here at the park.”
Kimba held a hand high, and everyone called their greetings.
“Okay, here’s the scenario,” Enrico said. “In a minute, I’m going to take control of Mojo. My colleague there is going to drive you farther out to a starting point. From there, you will walk to the find site. As of now, I don’t know which site he’s chosen. He’ll send me the GPS for the rallying point after you’re in place. Reaper, just so you know, this is a fresh location where Mojo hasn’t trained before. We keep a map for each of our K9s and pin the area where they made a find so that there are no repeats.”
“Interesting,” Reaper said.
“It’s important that these are real skillsets that will save real human beings. The vanity of a quick find has no place in the work we do. Every minute lost in the park with the predatorsis a dangerous one.” Enrico turned to Levi. “You can calm your fragile nerves, brother. You’re not in the park right now. And we have a soldier on overwatch with a high-powered rifle, lest a lion be out looking for a snack.”
Enrico turned back to Reaper. “At this location, we have a dedicated build-out to hide our search subject.” He turned his head to catch his colleague's movement when he held up two fingers. “Two subjects?”
Kimba grinned and rocked back on his heels.
“Great. Well, Reaper and Goose, we’ve already decided that you’ll be following along with a drone. Is there anyone else who wants to hide in the rubble for a bit?”
Gwen shook her head. “Nope, after yesterday, I’m good with the excitement.”
“Craig? Iris?”
“Thank you, but neither one of us is good with walking too far these days. Our knees.”
“All right,” Enrico scanned the group, “well, we can leave it just Levi, Tess, I wasn’t going to ask. It might be too much after your event yesterday. I could get one of the off-duty rangers to go along. What’s the call?”
“What does this build-out look like?” Tess asked. “I feel like I’d like to help.”