Shit, I’m totally that guy.

Her eyes met his in the rearview mirror as she moved her head. “Whatcha looking at, Derrick?” she whispered.


A whisper is just soft. This voice was sultry and soft.Seductive.

“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about a Christmas present I’d really like,” he muttered and flicked his blinker on, ready to change lanes.

“Something sweet?” Her hand was suddenly on his leg.



“At every turn.”

“The best kind of gifts are the ones you get to share with someone else. Like... a plate of homemade cookies.”

“Yep.” His voice was going on strike as her fingers massaged lightly.

“Or a puzzle. A game. Something both people get enjoyment out of.”

“Sometimes games get heated, though. One person gets upset. They take it seriously, and the other one doesn’t.”

Her hand vanished.


Wait. Damn it, she thinks I meant that she’d take it seriously andIwouldn’t! ButI’mthe serious one. I’d be serious aboutthis!“Reese, I—”

A loud, explosive jangling cut off his words. In the backseat, Mr. Netherton jumped awake and Mrs. Netherton sat upright like she was spring-loaded. “Are we there yet?” she demanded hoarsely.

“My phone is ringing!” Mr. Netherton declared, patting his pockets.

“We’ll be there in about forty-five minutes,” Reese soothed.

But Derrick noticed her hands stayed tucked up under her arms, and the playful sparkle in her eyes was gone.


“Thank you again!” Mr. Netherton shoved a twenty into Derrick’s hand and refused to take it back. “Best service ever! We’ll use you guys when we fly back to Denver!”

“Our pleasure!” Reese put down the last of their luggage and hugged Mrs. Netherton goodbye, handing her a handful of candy canes. “For all those grandkids you’ve been telling me about!”

She climbed back into the car, this time behind the wheel. Derrick subtly moved their luggage into the back during the unloading process and then took his spot in the passenger’s seat. The second he was in the car, she flew down the street, leaving the Nethertons in the arms of their children and in-laws.

“I’m getting onto I-95 North,” she announced in a terse voice. “You sleep. I slept on the first flight, and you didn’t. Well, not as much.”

“Reese, I need to explain! About the game. The puzzle! The gift,” Derrick stumbled over words, pointing over his shoulder. “I couldn’t when they were in the car. I know you just went through a bad break-up. I understand, I do! I just... I want to have that same sort of present... I think. If we’re talking about the same sort of present, that is.”

Her anger, held for almost an hour, started to wane as Derrick stammered and coughed his way through an awkward explanation. “And you’re afraid I’ll make a dumb decision and get hurt?”

“No! Oh, yes. Actually, both. That and the fact thatI’llget hurt. See, I... I’m too serious. Not good at casual things or flings. The only time I’ve ever done anything impulsive has been with you.”

Reese blinked and pretended to be fascinated by the GPS display.

Derrick kept talking, voice melancholy. “I’d get super attached, and you probably want time to heal your heart. I’d get possessive and want you around all the time. Especially in the same little town. I’d be underfoot all the time. You’ll be back in town, trying to start over, and there I’ll be.” Derrick fiddled with the seat adjusters and groaned as the seat reclined and he could finally stretch out his legs.