“Got it. You don’t want to open a gift you have to return?”

“Exactly! But maybe over time, you know, if you’re interested—it’d be a gift I’d keep. Uh. That makes me sound possessive and creepy. I don’t mean to sound like that. My brain is way too zonked for this conversation.”

“Rest. Everything’s cool.”

“It is?”

“Mhm!” Reese gave him a soft smile. “You were caring about what happens next. Do you have an idea how many guys wouldhave seen the chance to get some and just said ‘yes’ no matter what?”

“Oh, I wanted to. Every time I look at you—I mean, who wouldn’t be tempted by a girl who makes an alligator sweatshirt look like the sexiest thing in existence?”

“What? Really?” Reese had to admit that her battered ego sat up and purred.

“Yes, really. And you shouldn’t eat any more candy canes in front of me. I’m trying to be a good, decent human being, and my mind is a filthy sinkhole of lust.”

“Dude, I watched you help a struggling dad load his luggage and toddlers into a minivan. You adopted my chaotic ass during the most hectic traveling time of the year. Youarea good, decent man.”

He chuckled and yawned. “Only by a Christmas miracle.”

“No, no, no.”

“Yes! Fifty percent of me wants to unwrap that present you mentioned here and now.”

“Down, tiger.” She stuck out her tongue.

He stuck his out as well. “You like cats.”

They laughed together, and Reese rolled through the stations on the radio, looking for Christmas music. In a few seconds, she heard Bing Crosby calling all the faithful, and her shoulders relaxed. “I’m not Santa, you know.”

Derrick’s eyes sprung open just after they’d shut. “Pardon me?”

“I’m not Santa. I don’t have lists of naughty and nice. I think a person can be both. I’d still like them, too.”

Yes, Derrick is a little bit naughty, but ninety percent nice. I think that’s what I want these days. And coming home, starting over—he’s crazy to think that I wouldn’t want him there for that. Every girl needs a friend. Frankly, every girl needs aDerrick—a good guy who gets you—and has just a little bit of naughty tossed into the mix.

“About that gift. Derrick, I’ve been thinking... We barely know each other, but in under a day, you and I have had more adventures than Jeff and I had in a year. What’s more, you were more willing to listen to me, talk to me, and even change that serious, strait-laced guy you claim to be into a guy who would dive into a wacky plan with both feet. I like that, Derrick. I love that. A lot.”


Reese looked over. Derrick was breathing deeply, nice and even, a tiny smile on his face.

Shoot, he’s handsome, too. Handsome in an understated way, the way where you need to really look at him to notice it. It doesn’t scream at you with big muscles or a heroic cleft in the chin, or morally gray villain cheekbones.

But it’s still there.

Screw Jeff. I want Derrick for Christmas.

Chapter Five

“Hey. I hate to do this, but I don't think I'm safe to drive for much longer. Do you want another turn?” Derrick nudged Reese’s leg to wake her.

Her voice was groggy as she slowly opened her eyes. “When are we? I mean where are we?”

“We just crossed over the Richmond city limits on the North side. A little after midnight.” Derrick blew on his hands and considered getting out of the car again to see if the cold air would wake him enough to drive another hour or two. He’d just finished refueling at an all-night travel plaza, and his body had gone into that overtired, overchilled shock as he stood outside in dropping temperatures. He had his lightweight but insulated jacket stuffed into the bottom of his bookbag, but the thought of digging around in there seemed a Herculean task to his stiff, cold, tired body that desperately wanted to eat something that didn’t come out of a plastic wrapper.

Reese sat up all the way. “After midnight? It’s Christmas!”

“I know.” He could hear the heaviness in her voice. “I’m sorry we’re not home yet.”