Nova leads us all over to a table near the back, Dante pulling out my chair to sit next to him. Ace and him are both facing out to the room and I get a view of the back wall decorated with assorted licence plates and old advertising signs. Nova barely sits down before she declares that the first round is on her, and drags Ace to the bar to get some drinks.
Porters has an eclectic feeling, one that makes you just happy to be there. There are booths all along the wall to the right of us and a long bar stretching to the left. The area surrounding the entrance doors is empty, except for a few scattered standing tables. A small stage in the corner has music equipment, so maybe Nova and I will get to do some dancing tonight. It will be nice to just unwind, that is if Dante would stop scowling.
“Switch seats with me?” Maybe he will move so I can at least watch people while we enjoy dinner.
“Come on, Dante, I want to watch everyone. As exciting as it is to look at your grumpy face and the back wall, I want to see what's happening.”
“You want to look at everyone?”
He pushes back his chair and promptly pulls me onto his lap so I'm now facing outward, a perfect view of everything.
Tucking some of my hair behind my ear, he leans into me.
“There will never be a time when we are out together that I do not have a full view of what's happening, but I will always want you to be close to me, so you can sit with me anytime you want, okay?”
This is one of those times it's just not worth trying to argue. I call themDante’s Military Momentswhere he says or does something I don't quite understand, but I know it's just something he needs to do, so I leave it. It's a non event for me because if it makes him comfortable where we are then I'm happy to do it, just as he's okay to do little things for me. Anyways, he's meeting me halfway, even if it means I sit on his lap.
Ace and Nova come back from the bar with some drinks for us all, declaring that they have ordered every new item on the menu to eat and we’re all sharing it.
The food is delicious, I've had a couple of drinks, and for the most part, Dante has kept me perched on his lap. Despite his still ever present scowl, I'm having the best night out, with good company, good food, and being able to cuddle into him isn't bad either.
“Alright, it's my turn to get drinks. What's everyone's order?”
Dante has been nursing the same bourbon since we arrived, with Nova having several different cocktails, and Ace matching her but with beers. They are both firmly in thehappy, I love everyonestage of getting drunk. I have been trying to pace myself because I know that if I'm plastered drunk nothing will happen tonight between us, and I don't think I can take waiting much longer to get everything out in the open.
“Just the same for us,” Nova says, tipping the last of her pink drink into her mouth.
Heading to the bar I'm greeted by a tall man with dark short hair, dark eyes and olive skin. He's smiling, but he has the same look that I see in Dante and Ace when they’re on alert. He's watching everyone in the bar, continuously scanning everything going on behind me every few seconds.
“You must be the famous Porter,” I say with a smile. “Nova has not stopped talking about how much she's been wanting to try your new menu. I think I might even know it better than you at this point with how much she's been talking about it.”
“Don't tell her I told you, but Nova’s a spy,” he says laughing, leaning in across the bar, in a hushed tone. “She's been trying to get a hold of my brownie recipe for years. I even caught her sneaking into the kitchen once, trying to rough up the cook for the recipe.”
Laughing, we both look over to our table to find both Dante and Nova scowling at us, Ace on the other hand is just staring wide eyed at Nova. Surely there's something they are not telling us. They clearly have a thing for each other, but are determined to remain in the friend zone.
Placing our drink order, strong arms wrap around me from behind. It takes me a second to register that they are not Dante’s, a second more to panic, and a final second to see that from our reflection in the mirror behind the bar, it's Sam. Letting out the breath I didn't realise I was holding, I turned and gave him a play slap on his shoulder.
“You scared me half to death, Sam. Don't sneak up on me like that.” It comes off lighthearted, but deep down it feels anything but. I can feel my heart trying to leap out of my chest as I try to control my breathing. I'm not paying attention to anyone around us as I try to focus on Sam and what he's saying.
“I'm sorry, I zoned out for a second there, what do you need again?”
“I lost your number. The one you wrote down last week. I swear I put it on the tool bench at the garage, but I can't find it anywhere. Can you give it to me again?”
“Ekkk, I'm so excited for you Sam.” Clapping my hands excitedly in front of me. “How many dates is it now? And you're sure you want to try a roast chicken?”
Grabbing a napkin and a pen I can see behind the bar, I pick them up, waving them at Porter, silently asking if it's okay for me to use them. Nodding his agreement, I quickly write down my phone number, making sure he knows to call me anytime he thinks he needs help. Even if he needs to sneak away from Olivia to do so.
“This will be our third official date and I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm feeling the pressure from that and then trying to impress her. I want her to know I'll take care of her, you know. She means more to me than anyone I've ever met.”
“I understand,” nodding my head, reaching out and rubbing his arm in agreement. What I'm not saying is that I'm hoping to have the same conversation with Dante tonight. I might need one more drink though before I ask him to take me home.
“Okay, I'm going to quickly head to the ladies before Porter comes back with the drinks, but seriously Sam, call me at any time of the day or night if you need help with the roast.”
“Thanks so much, Mila, you've been amazing.” I give him a big hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek and make my way to the bathroom, hoping that the lines are not too big and I don't have to wait long.