“You'll have to bring her back in a couple of days because we just gossiped and shopped online. Sorry, big man,” Nova says, slapping Dante on the back, and giving him a shit-eating grin.

“Or you could just loosen the reins a bit and let her come in without her bodyguard?”

“Be nice to him, Nova. He means well,” I say, taking and holding Dante's hand.

“I will bring her back, andI'llbe with her,” he glares at Nova. I can see he's mostly joking with her but I know that there's no way my ever present shadow will be leaving me any time soon.

Changing the topic, Nova says, “Come on, let's all go out to dinner. Porter has apparently changed the menu atPortersand I need people to help me try it all.”

“Porter? Ace's friend, Porter?” Dante growls.

“Yeah I guess he's Ace's friend, I mean we're all friends around here so … anyway, he owns a bar and grill, humbly named after himself that mostly locals go to. There are a few tourist focused places on Main Street, but we prefer to go to Porters.”

“That sounds fun. I haven't been out for dinner in years. I can't even remember the last time.” I say smiling. Looking up at Dante I don't know if he's angry at me for agreeing to go out or his pinched brow is just for Nova. Either way, I'm going out to dinner and I’ll drag Dante with me if I have to.

“Perfect. Let's make it for Saturday night and we can maybe do some dancing too. I'll let Ace know and we can make a night of it. Yay for girl's night, but with the guys,” Nova says, dramatically rolling her eyes at Dante.


I can't remember the last time I was this excited. I'm completely ignoring Trevor and his taunting. I'm moving onwith my life, and I'm a little more confident with all the training Dante has been making me do. I feel strong in my body, and with the help of everyone's support, I feel confident in my mind too.

It almost feels like I'm going on a first date, the nerves are there in the pit of my stomach reminding me that I want to tell Dante I'm ready, that I want to go all in with him and really make a go of us. No more waiting. It's been months since I escaped Trevor, and Dante has been nothing short of patient with me. The times when we lay in bed in the dark, spilling secrets with each other has made me feel more connected to him than I've ever felt to anyone. One night he even told me that it was okay if I didn't share the same feelings as him. That he would be happy to just be a part of my life. I've never known such generosity with another person, let alone a man. A man that I want, desperately.

My dresses arrived in the mail, allowing me a quick gossip season with Phil the mailman. He talked with Dante about the townsfolk being aware of Trevor but there's been no strong sightings of him. Wherever he's hiding, it's not in Hidden Valley so that makes me feel more relaxed about the situation, knowing that he's not constantly here. I take the time to do my hair, leaving it out with soft curls falling down my back. A little make-up and tinted lip balm let me feel feminine but not overdone. I don't usually wear lots of makeup in general, a little mascara is all the effort I go to, but tonight I've got a natural looking smokey eye, with soft browns instead of dark charcoal and black. I'm wearing a fitted grey knit dress with boots and a thick denim jacket. I'm going for effortlessly casual, which is a far cry from my usual leggings and oversized jumpers, or just Dante’s clothes in general. My self declared average look is a decidedly polished average tonight, and I'm taking it as a win.

Heading down the stairs to the kitchen I'm hoping I have enough time before we leave to sneak in a quick wine. A little liquid courage before havingthe talklater on. However, the scowl on Dante's face when I enter quickly squashes any excited feelings I was having and leaves me feeling a little hurt.

Not wanting to draw attention to anything, I continue on my mission for wine, choosing to ignore Dante. I'm going to have a fun night with my friends and he can go sulk in the corner for all I care.

A full wine glass in hand and nothing left to do but try and interact. Turning, I face the increasingly angry looking Dante, and decide I'll take the petty route tonight, choosing to glare right back at him.

“No. You are not fucking wearing that,” he growls.

“Sorry, I can't quite hear you over your obvious disdain,” I reply, bringing my hand up to cup my ear, leaning forward as if I couldn't hear him. Ace, bless his heart, chooses this moment to interrupt us, walking over and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“You look beautiful Mila, a real knockout.”

"Thank you, Ace. You look very handsome yourself. How lovely that we all put in a little effort to go out for dinner,” I say, directing it at Dante. Almost pausing after saying each word to get my point across. Hearing my frustration, Ace turns and takes in the obvious standoff happening in the kitchen, before he bursts out laughing.

“It's not funny, Ace,” Dante growls, “she can't go out looking like that.”

Taking a big gulp of wine, I ready myself to tell Dante to sod off, suddenly second guessing everything I had planned to say to him. But, before I get the chance Ace walks up to me, wraps his arm around my shoulder so we're both facing Dante across thekitchen, and says, “What D is not saying right now, is that you look beautiful, Mila.” The sincerity coming across in his voice, causing me to pay more attention to him. “You look so beautiful, that D already knows there will be too many bodies for him to try and get rid of. He knows he will have to fight off every man at Porters who will want to talk to you when you walk in there tonight looking like this.”

“Oh,” is all I manage to reply, before the biggest smile spreads across my face. Shaking my head at the situation.

“Come on you two,” Ace says, walking toward the front door. “Nova is waiting, and I'm hungry.”

Getting up from where he was sitting Dante stands, and I take in his full presence. Dressed in a black button up shirt, dark jeans and boots. He oozes big dick energy as he closes the distance between us, anger still radiating off him. Leaning down, he gently places his fingers under my chin and tilts my head up to look at him. Giving me a soft kiss on my lips before pulling back slightly, “I'll kill any man that looks at you wrong, and I won't apologise for it either.”

“Stop being dramatic,” I say, pushing him away from me playfully, taking his hand and walking toward Ace who is waiting in the truck outside.

Pulling up outside Porters, we manage to find a car park almost right outside, Nova waiting for us just by the entrance. It looks like a cross between a dive bar and an Irish pub but feels incredibly welcoming with upbeat music coming from inside.

“Well, don't you clean up nice,” she says as she pulls me into a tight hug, "and you too big guy.” Dante mumbling something under his breath in response, quickly giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, you never kiss me when I see you,” Ace says as he comes up behind us, trying to pull at Dante, making kissing sounds.They have a few play swings at each other before Dante says, with a big smile on his face, “You know I'll kiss you whenever you want, Ace, you just have to ask.”

Finally, the tension has broken with Ace managing to lighten the mood, and I mouth the word thank you when he looks at me. He nods, wraps his arm around Nova’s shoulder and they walk inside, Dante and I following closely behind.