Tilting her head, I can see a flicker of a smile spread across her face.

“Thanks, I think. Also, I hate that you're a morning person.”

“Why are you eating that cold pizza by the way?”

“I need to take more pain meds and I have to take them with food,” she says, sighing and looking away from me, staring out the window.

“I don't really want to face any people if I can help it. I don't want them to stare. This will tide me over until later, so you don't have to worry about me.”

Suddenly she seems so small and fragile. Like the weight of everything has momentarily won. Her shoulders have slumped, and when she talks it comes across so timid, like she's talking to a scared kid or trying to sooth a frightened puppy threatening to nip her. I move to stand in front of her, taking my hand and gently lifting her chin so she has to look at me. Softly, I say, "Stop eating the pizza, Mila. We will stop for some food and coffee. If you don't want to go inside you can wait in the car while I get it. We can eat in the car together ... I'm not leaving you."

Her eyes glisten slightly as I talk, tears forming, threatening to spill over. She takes a deep breath and with a wobbly voice says, “I think that's the first time you've used my name.”

Smiling, I pull her into me, giving her a much needed hug. “Come on, sunshine, let's get ready and head out. You can pick the music.” I can feel her face smile as it rests against my chest, and with a small laugh, she says, “Promise.”

I'm grinning now, “I promise … as long as we are together you can always be in charge of the music.”

Chapter 13 - Mila

Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival’s ?

With Dante’s phone in my hands, I have been painstakingly crafting the perfect road trip playlist while he gets us breakfast. Lucky for him I'm eclectic in my tastes, and I take an assortment of my favourite songs from different genres and eras. I'm hoping he likes some of them. I don't claim to be a musical genius but I like what I like.

Several minutes later, I'm startled when the truck door opens and the cold air hits me. Dante is at my door holding out a cup of coffee and a takeaway food box for me. Quickly putting his phone down, I take it from him as he moves around the front of the truck, before getting into the driver's seat.

The scent of coffee quickly fills the air and I let out a long moan. Savouring the sharp taste of it in my mouth. Shutting my eyes and tilting my head back, resting it on the back of the car seat, I take in this moment. I swear I can feel the caffeine coursing through my veins, waking up each part of my body, bit by bit, cell by cell.

“Um, sunshine. I think something must have happened to my coffee because the sounds you're making belong somewhere entirely different.”

I slowly open one eye, looking toward him, “You should respect the coffee more. It knows when you're talking about it.”

“This coffee is shit,” he says bluntly, with a wicked grin plastered across his face.

“I'm starting to think your pallet is the thing that's shit because this is the second time now that you've called something utterly divine shit,” I say, now fully staring at him without a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

Suddenly he erupts in laughter, throwing his head back, his whole body shaking. His face is so carefree. I could stare at him like this all day. It's criminal how intoxicating he is when he laughs. I can feel my face warming as he gives me the biggest smile before digging into his breakfast.


We’ve not been driving long before I decide the playlist is as ready as it's going to be.

“Are you ready for your mind to be blown? It's not big but will give us an hour,” wiggling the phone in my hand, looking at him. Without saying a word he nods his head, a soft smile on his face as he gestures for me to wow him with my musical picking talent.

Smiling at him, I press play and the sharp tones ofCreedence Clearwater Revival’s, Fortunate Sonplay over the speakers. I look straight at him and I can see the recognition almost instantly light up his face. Not embarrassed by his presence I start to sing along with the song before shutting my eyes, getting lost in a memory.

“This song was one of my dad's favourites, he was a big war buff. I know it's probably not okay to say considering the sacrifices you've made, but he was so passionate about war history and all we can learn from the past.”

Smiling to myself, I can almost picture his face, hear his laugh, wishing the warmth I was feeling was from him and one of his legendary hugs, not from the sun shining through the window.

Even with my eyes shut I can feel Dante looking at me. Taking a second to gather myself I open my eyes and turn toward him.

“My mum and dad died when I was 10. I was their only kid. They wanted more but it just never happened for them. They went out for dinner to celebrate their anniversary and a drunk driver killed them when they were coming home. After that, I lived with my aunt until I turned 18 and moved back into the house I was raised in. I met Trevor shortly after that and well, you know the rest.”

“I'm sorry about your parents,” he says, focusing on the road ahead.

“He would have liked you. My dad I mean,” smiling at the thought of them together. “He would have talked your ear off about the Battle of the Bulge or Gallipoli,” I say with a laugh. “I can picture your face as you try to be polite, but are over it after listening to him talk for hours.”

Dante grins at that thought, “He can't have been that bad, surely not hours.”