“Oh, you have no idea how long he could talk about war history for. He would have asked to take his photo with you to show his friends. Be so proud that he met a real-life hero.”
“I would have liked to meet him, he sounds like he was a good man.”
“He was. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.”
“What was his name?”
“Henry. If I ever have kids and have a son, I'll name him after my dad,” I say smiling at the thought.
A calm silence falls over us as Dante continues to navigate the recently ploughed roads. Several songs pass before Dante moves his arm and takes my hand. I thought he might say something but he doesn't, and I sit in a comfortable silence holding his hand on my lap.
“Sunshine, wake up. You need to come see this,” I hear Dante say, as he gently rubs my arm. I must have fallen asleep at some point because we've stopped moving, and Dante is standing next to me with the truck door open.
“Are we arrived … have we arrived I mean?” Feeling groggy and opening my eyes, I realise I'm looking at a rock wall with the road at the bottom of it. “Why have we stopped?”
“Do you trust me?”
Frowning because that's still a very loaded question, but answering honestly, I say, “Yes,” taking a deep breath as I do.
“Close your eyes and slide out of the seat. I'm going to guide you somewhere and I'll tell you when you can open them.”
"You're not going to 300 me, are you? You know, like in the movie when they throw people in a bottomless pit."
“Baby. It's okay,” he says grinning, “I promise nothing bad will happen. I just want to show you something.”
I don't know if it's because he called mebabybut I'm suddenly feeling far warmer than I should be for below freezing temperatures. Shutting my eyes, grumbling slightly, hoping he can't see me blush in amongst the bruises on my face, I hold out my arms letting him guide me the few steps to where he wants me to go.
I can feel the sun on my face and hear the snow crunching underneath our feet. Dante stops holding me for a second but I can still feel him close by before he places his jacket over my shoulders, surrounding me in sandalwood and spice. Standing behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist in a gentle embrace, taking each side of his jacket and overlapping them around me so I'm wrapped in warmth again.
“This is our new beginning, sunshine. Open your eyes,'' he says softly in my ear. With bated breath, I open my eyes, gasping at the sight before me.
Mountains covered in snow sit high above the valley floor. We are now so high up on the mountainside, that the light grey clouds above us are so close I feel I can reach out and touch them. The sun's beams peak through, and you can see rays of light scattered all around us and as far as you can see. It's simply breathtaking. I completely understand why Dante's friend Ace said it's what heaven would look like.
Taking a look around us, still wrapped in Dante's arms, I can see a sign with,Hidden Valley Lookoutright before a tunnel goes deep into the mountain, back the way we came. It's similar to Milford Sound, or Zion National Park, where you drive through a tunnel and enter a new world, except this one is at the top of a mountain.
“We've just come through that tunnel,” he says, gesturing to the left of us. “The town is apparently 20 minutes from here,” gesturing to the right of us. “Ace lives on the far side of town so it's still a 30 minute drive but I had to show you this,” looking straight ahead at the view before us.
"You know my dad always said that on days like this where you can see the sun's rays shining in the light, peaking through the clouds, that it was all the lost souls going up to heaven. My parents weren't religious people and I wasn't raised like thateither, but I like to think he was right. On days like today, it feels almost sacred thinking of all the lost souls making their way to something greater."
“I like that thought, the idea of lost souls going up to something greater. It's beautiful.”
We stay looking out over the view until the clouds shift and the light is dispersed, making the glowing beams we were watching disappear. “We should probably get moving. Ace will be wondering where we've gotten to,” he says, taking my hand and slowly walking me back to the passenger side of the truck, making sure I'm safely inside before we make our way to Ace's house.
Chapter 14 - Mila
Higher - George Glew ?
Twenty minutes later we entered the Main Street in Hidden Valley, and it was like we'd arrived in every small town romance movie ever. The town itself looks to be surrounded by mountaintops, nestled in a random flat valley. I can see why someone would have wanted to live here and start a township. The shops have small town charm, covered in decorative features and classic colours. I make note of the coffee shop Beans which I will be visiting as soon as I've healed. With a book store Pages right next door, I won't have to go far to get my two favourite things in the world which I'm happy about. I wonder if any jobs are going at either of those shops. It would be nice to work in an environment that makes me happy for a change. I'll see if Ace has a pen and paper I can have, and start making a plan for this new life.
"Are you sure Ace is okay with me staying until I can find somewhere else? I just don't want to intrude or overstay my welcome before I've even met him."
“It will make sense when you meet him but Ace is like a Golden Retriever. He's always excited and happy. Especially if it's a new person to talk with, so don't worry about him.”
“I'm a little nervous, I guess.”
"I explained everything that's happened so he won't go hounding you about it all, and he's seen more than his fair share of bruises and wounds so he won't stare. But also, he's a good man, you can trust him."