Page 88 of Protecting Mr. Fine

Off gingerbread houses

And I get to taste all the

Red candy apples

And confess all my dreams to

The welcoming grizzly

And laugh in the wind

While the fairytale happens

And spin in the wild

Broken dreams become mended

And breathe in the air

While my




I couldn’t breathe. I watched as he patted his chest as he sang the final three words, and then he flung his arm out, thanking the crowd and turning to thank the band.

The crowd went wild. The noise was deafening, causing Zane to huff out a laugh and turn back to me with a giant grin.

He was so fucking happy. So proud of bringing joy to all of his fans. Of not fucking up. Of being his authentic self. Of living his dream.

I love you.

The words hammered in my throat, begging to come out.

I love you.

I’m so fucking proud of you.

I couldn’t say them. Instead, I put my hand on my heart and mouthed,You’re amazing.

“Holy shit,” Lou said. “He’s going to make a million dollars off that song.”

I laughed. “More than a million.”

The rest of the show seemed to pass in a blink. Zane was still high off the success of the new song, but I knew from experience that he would crash and crash hard. After the encores and his final good-nights, he came jogging off the stage, sweaty, smiley, and goddamned sexy as fuck.

I shuttled him through the backstage crew shouting kudos and down the corridors to his dressing room, where I stopped everyone else but the two of us.

As soon as I got him inside and closed the door, he was on me. “Fuck me, please,” he said, grabbing at my clothes, my face, my hair. “All I could think about when I saw you in the wings was that I get to feel your cock inside me tonight. No one else gets that, just me. I get to know what it’s like to—hngh!”

I turned him and pushed him face-first against the door, moving his hands up the smooth surface and growling at him to keep them there while arching my hardening dick against his ass and nipping at his earlobe. “Do not make a sound.”

It was reckless and wrong, unprofessional and debauched, but I couldn’t help it. Hearing that he was thinking of me, ofsexwith me, while he was performing in front of a crowd of tens of thousands of people was heady as fuck.

I fumbled for the front of his pants and shoved them down before wetting my fingers and reaching under the edge of his shirt to find his hole. He gasped and pressed back onto my hand. “Fuck, Bear. Fuck me. Want you to fuck me right here.”