I was too far gone to let rational thought stop me. After opening my pants and pulling out my cock, I spit into my hand. “Don’t have lube.”
He spun around and dropped down in a squat before slathering my cock with his saliva and sucking it as far into his throat as possible. He gagged as he came off. Then, he grinned atme. “Okay?”
I spun him back toward the door and bent my knees before shoving the head of my wet cock against his entrance. It wasn’t pretty, and it sure as hell wasn’t slick, but it worked. Both of us were too riled up to care. I reached for his cock and jacked it as I used his hole to get off.
Our panting breaths mixed together under the sound of workers slamming doors down the corridor and people shouting instructions. The arena vibrated with the sound of tens of thousands of people all exiting at once. Thankfully, it was enough racket to drown out the sound of the two of us coming our brains out in the dressing room.
As soon as it was over, Zane said something about a shower.
“Showering at the hotel, remember?” I said, zipping my pants back up.
Zane looked up at me comically from where he was standing with my jizz dripping down his inner thighs. “What?”
I grabbed some tissues from the dressing table and handed them to him with a grin. “Do the best you can, honey. It’s part of the security protocol. In and out of the venue as quickly as possible.”
He narrowed his eyes at me while swiping ineffectually and then tugging his pants and underwear back up. “Just for that, my personal security detail is going to be personally responsible for cleaning this mess up when we get to the hotel.”
I grasped the back of his head and leaned in to kiss him hard before whispering in his ear. “What the principal wants, the principal gets.”
His little shiver was the cherry on top of a very unexpected sundae. After straightening up our clothes and grabbing Zane’s few personal items from the dressing room, we headed out.
The crowds outside the arena were unbelievable. Zane stared through the limo window as we made our way through streets packed with fans singing and celebrating. The energy of the crowd was magnetic, and I knew it gave Zane a thrill to see it up close like this after a show.
We drove through the city in silence until pulling around theback of the hotel and meeting the security team waiting for us. Once we made it up to Zane’s suite, I excused everyone to their rooms or duty stations and closed us up for the night with the security wedge.
Then, I shot Zane a predatory look, which sent him racing off to the bathroom with a squeal and a laugh.
I caught up to him and grabbed him around the waist, pulling him in for another kiss. “That song was amazing, Z,” I finally said when I caught my breath. “So beautiful. Are you going to let Gran and Rinny hear it?”
He shrugged. “I mean, they won’t be able to avoid it, but I’m not going to make a point of sending it to them or saying anything about it. Gran already knows how grateful I am she took me in, and they both know how bad it was before that. I hope if and when they hear it, they’ll realize it’s…” He shrugged as he yanked off his T-shirt. “It’s part of the healing process. I’m proud of it. And I loved that the crowd loved it, too.”
I grinned, loving that I got to be with him like this—just the two of us, relaxing and spending an enjoyable night together talking over the rest of the concert.
Then Zane turned around to drop his jeans…
Revealing a very clear, red-inked target stamp in the middle of his lower back.
And I lost my ever-loving mind.
Bears don’t take betrayal lightly. While they’re usually calm and solitary, trust is huge for them, whether between mama bears and their cubs or during mating partnerships. If a bear feels threatened or deceived, their reaction is swift, and they’ll avoid whoever caused the distress. For a bear, a second chance isn’t given easily… so whenever possible, try not to piss them off.
—Bear Facts for Insomniacs, Episode 86
I was walking on air. The show had been a success, Bear had fucked me up against a wall at the arena, and now, we had the whole night ahead of us in the hotel suite.
“Hm?” I asked, reaching for the knob to turn the water on in the shower.
Bear hesitated, but I could see he wasn’t playing or flirting anymore. He lookedserious.
“Bear. What is it?”
His hands were so gentle on me. He reached for my hips and turned me back around, then traced his fingertips over my lower back.