She stills, her entire body tensing. That vein across her forehead pulses, and I can practically see the gears spinning in that gloriously devious mind of hers. Still, she says nothing, waiting for me to continue.
“First of all, I never should have allowed any of that to happen.”
Her eyes flash, and fuck me, I’m just digging myself into a deeper grave.
“Despite how much I wanted it to,” I add.
The hard line of her lips softens a touch.
“Second of all, before I ran off like astronzo, I wasn’t implying I expected you to fuck me. I would never assume anything like that. I just thought that was what you wanted and then you caught me off guard, and?—”
She stares up at me like I’ve lost my mind, which I kind of have because of her. This woman drives me absolutely batshit crazy. So I start all over again. “I have strict rules when it comes to my clients?—”
“No shit?” Her eyes dance with a hint of mischief, the corner of her mouth tilting up ever so slightly.
“My rules exist for very good reasons, Isabella. They could mean the difference between life and death…yourlife. I never should have been so irresponsible with something so precious.” I shove my hand in my pocket to keep from reaching out to caress her cheek.
Her lips purse, a faint exhale squeezing through. My head tips forward because I’m a complete masochist, desperate to take in her breathy sigh.
“I just don’t understand why it’s such a big deal…”
“You know how I am, how important the routine and procedures are to my success. How am I supposed to focus on that when all I can think about is the next time I’ll get to touch you? Or feel your lips against mine? Just one night and the sounds you made are already permanently emblazoned in my mind, living rent free for all eternity. I haven’t even brushed my teeth since last night just so I can savor your taste on my lips…” I force my tongue to still before I say something we can never come back from. Because just speaking the words is already making me hard. “Fuck,” I grind out. “I never should have taken this job.”
“But you did,” she snaps, knotting her arms across her chest. “And now we’re stuck together for the next two and a half months.”
“Well, we’ll have to figure out a way to make it work.”
“I don’t see how we can.” Her words aren’t biting like they have been throughout the conversation, instead, a hint of sadness laces them. And it cuts the deepest of all.
I heave out a breath as I step into the cool night air, the incessant, frenetic voices of the ER finally quieting when the doors slide closed behind me. A few weeks of this internship, and I’m already exhausted. I can hardly complain because unlike typical doctors who work the emergency room, I’ve been fortunate enough to keep to quite normal hours.
I could never do it.
I only hope my plan of becoming a pediatrician and opening my own practice will be slightly less chaotic. With the turmoil racing around in my mind, I hardly have time to notice my ever-present shadow. Or maybe I’ve simply become that used to ignoring the overbearing Italian.
After that night over a week ago, the situation between us has been frosty at best. And I hate it. I hadn’t realized how much I counted on Raf not only as a guard, but as a friend. Without my family, Vinny and my crazy cousins, it’s the first time in my life I find myself truly alone. I’m not lonely exactly because Iam just too busy, butDio, I miss Serena and Matty. I would do anything for one of our all-night tea sessions. And Vinny, I hope he’s at least having some fun at King Industries. I am getting so desperate I would even settle for Alessia or Alessandro right about now.
Serena has been inviting me to Milano for weeks, but I can’t ask for a weekend off when I just started working. And she is pretty much in the same boat with her new job. She keeps promising she’ll come down, but we have yet to nail down a date.
Raffaele moves into step beside me, inching closer as we approach the parking lot where Sal always waits for my shift to end. “You want to grab something to eat before we go home?” he exhales on a rushed whisper.
“No, I’m tired.”
He nods and slows his pace, dropping back a step. He’s been nothing but professional, giving me my space but always lurking in the shadows. I hate how comforting his presence has become, even the stoic silence.
I wish there was a way we could go back to how things were, but I’m still so angry and embarrassed that I don’t think I’ll ever get past that night. Despite all the drama it has caused, I’m proud of myself for making the right decision by putting a stop to it. Raf has already wormed his way too deep, and if I had slept with him, it would have only made everything so much worse.
“Hey, Bella!”
I whirl around at the familiar voice and find Jeff jogging after us. I stop abruptly, scared he’s going to bust his stitches if he keeps moving so quickly. “Whoa, slow down.” I hold my hands up, stopping him. “You have to take it easy. You’re still recovering.”
Jeff waves a dismissive hand, a hint of crimson tinting his cheeks. “I’m totally good. The doctors released me with a clean bill of health two days ago.” He grins, his light blue eyes sparkingbeneath the final rays of sunlight dipping behind the backdrop of historic monuments. “Would they have let me come back to work if I wasn’t fully recovered?”