“No, I guess not.”
“So since I am all recovered, I owe you a thank you dinner for saving my life.” He turns to Raf and offers a smile. “Both of you actually.”
I can feel more than see Raf stiffen at the suggestion. Knowing my bodyguard, a dinner with Jeff and me would be the ultimate torture. Which is why I turn back to my colleague and smile sweetly. “I would love that.”
“Signorina…” Raf mutters. He’s back to the formal crap which drives me absolutely insane. “You know the rules.”
I throw my hand up, shaking my head. “I do, no need to repeat them, Raffaele. I also know that there are a number of restaurants you’ve personally already vetted. So I was going to suggest one of those spots.” Then I turn to Jeff, smothering the scowl that formed while arguing with my guard. “You don’t mind where we go, do you?”
He shakes his head. “No, absolutely not. You should pick anyway since this is a thank you dinner.”
“Oh, so it’s not a date?” I glance over Jeff’s shoulder at my sulking bodyguard, enjoying every minute of his irritation.
Jeff’s light brows knit as he regards me before whispering, “Do you want it to be?”
I shrug nonchalantly. It’s not that I don’t find him attractive because I really do. It’s only that the idea of pissing off Raf is my number one objective right now.
Jeff runs his palm across the back of his neck. “I was actually planning on asking you out the night of theaperitivo, but you know how that went…”
“Please, don’t remind me.”
“Okay, great, so where should we go?” Jeff directs the question at me before cocking his head back at Raf. “I don’t want to step on your toes, buddy, so you pick.”
“Buddy?” Raf barks. “I’m not your f?—”
I dig my elbow into his side before he finishes the word. “There’s a great little pizza place right by my apartment.” I tick my head at the black Alfa Romeo in the parking lot. “My driver can take us.”
“Perfect.” Jeff’s smile is so big I almost feel bad before I remind myself I’m not using him just to get back at Raf. I do genuinely enjoy his company, and it was his idea to take us out as a thank you anyway.
And Jeff is great. If I wasn’t so damned obsessed with my bodyguard, he would be just the type of guy I should date.
I will date.
Mind made up, I wind my hand through Jeff’s arm and lead him toward the car.
The second bottle of wine arrives, and my hand brushes Raf’s as I reach for it.
“You’re going to have a drink?” I stare at him, brow arched as he claims the bottle of Chianti and fills his glass.
“This dinner is in my honor, right?” He clinks his flute against mine and downs the deep burgundy wine in one go. His eyes are already beginning to gloss over, and for a second, I’m actually worried.
In all the months he’s worked for me, I’ve never seen him wasted and from the looks of it, he’s on his way there. “Maybe you should take it easy,” I whisper.
“I’m fine,principessa, don’t you worry about me.” He leans closer, his warm breath spilling across my ear. “If there’s one thing I can handle, it’s my wine. You on the other hand—” He clucks his tongue, the sound vibrating across my eardrum, before sitting back.
“Whatever…” I grumble.
Jeff sits across the small table tucked into a corner of the pizzeria, oblivious to the tension as he finishes up on a call with his mom back home. He’s already mouthedI’m sorrymultiple times, but I think it’s sweet.Dioknows my parents would have a fit if I didn’t answer every time they called.
Raf leans in again, his hand finding my thigh beneath the table. I startle at the unexpected touch, but he keeps his fingers clasped around my leg despite the squirming. “You should probably let me know now if I need to buy some earplugs from the pharmacy before we get home. Because if you’re planning on bringing thatcoglionehome and fucking him, I will not be forced to listen to it.” His fingers tighten around my thigh, the pressure growing so intense I’m scared he’ll leave a bruise.
“You’re hurting me,” I hiss and wrap my hand around his, attempting to pry his fingers off. The pressure lightens, but he doesn’t release me. “Raf!” I snarl.
Smoldering, dark eyes lock to mine, a raging tempest brewing below the sleek surface. “I need to know, Isabella. Are you going to bring him home?”
“I—I don’t know.” I hadn’t planned on it, honestly, but there’s something about the rage in his eyes that has my heart pumping.
His hand moves up my thigh until it reaches the hem of my sundress. I gasp as heat surges in its wake.