Val poured Thor the lowest quality beer they had on tap. “Continue to do nothing. Don’t be discourteous, but don’t encourage him, either. If Thor Odin’s son finds out who you are, you can bet he will want one of two things: to use you to hurt Surtr or to kill you to hurt Surtr.”
Elle snorted. “Too bad he doesn’t realize my father would have killed me himself if he’d cared enough about me to lift a finger.”
Val dropped the beer on Elle’s tray hard enough to lose at least half of it.
Frigg walked up and smiled. “Problem?”
Val gave Frigg a tight smile. “Nope.” She removed the mug and dumped it out before wiping the counter with the towel she had on her shoulder.
A table of men signaled for attention, and she nodded. “Table six wants you.”
“But... the beer—”
“I’ll take it,” said Frigg.
Elle nodded and headed off.
“You are worried about her, but you don’t need to be. She is safe here with us.”
“Is she?” Val’s gaze returned to Thor.
Frigg squeezed Val’s hand. The contact soothed and warmed Val simultaneously. Frigg always had that effect on people. Her kind, motherly nature, gentle voice, and eyes couldn’t help but make people comfortable. Even so, Val had seen Frigg fight and knew firsthand how formidable Frigg’s magic could be.
“Val, you need to relax. I realize you haven’t been able to for years and years, but you need to. Take a day off. Relax. Remember who you are. Find out who you want to be.”
Benjinn sipped his beer and glanced her way.
“I don’t think I know how to relax anymore.”
Frigg followed her eye line. “Maybe it’s time someone helps you remember.”
A sly smile crept over Frigg’s face.
Val poured Thor another beer and handed it to Frigg. “Did you send us to meet Loki at DeLux on purpose last night so Elle would be introduced to Thor?”
Frigg winked and walked away.
Val grumbled. Frigg was up to something. Val just wasn’t sure what it was yet.
Loki satat his oversized desk staring out his office window when his cell phone rang. He didn’t move for a moment as he replayed his dream walk from the night before. He’d never experienced something so real before. And Val... damn. The woman left him with such an enormous hard-on since he’d woken up that it had been painful to stand, let alone concentrate on work. Especially since he was still sore from the latest round with Baldur. It surprised him that he’d been able to dream walk with his injuries. Baldur had lost in the end, but Loki’s game had been off due to Val never leaving his thoughts.
The phone rang twice more before he lifted it without looking at the screen.
“Odin’s son, how interesting to hear from you twice in two days.”
“I need your help,” Thor said.
Loki smiled. Help? Now that intrigued him.
“Well, well, well. I can’t remember the last time the Mighty Thor, son of Odin, needed my help. Oh, wait, yes I can. Remember when—”
“Are you going to help me or not?”
Loki paused. Thor wasn’t in a jesting mood. “Of course, cousin. What do you need?”
“Come to Frigg’s.”