Loki thought for a moment. Val worked at Frigg’s. Maybe he’d run into her if he went. Loki scowled. Why was the Valkyrie so damned tempting? He’d never had another worm under his skin the way she did. And he hardly knew her.
“All right,” Loki finally said.
Thor hung up before he said more. Loki set his phone back on his desk and checked his watch. It was after the lunch crowd and before the nightly rush. Going to Frigg’s and helping Thor shouldn’t take up too much of his time. And besides, doing a favor for Thor would mean Thor owed him, and he thought of several things to ask for in return. Going to help Thor might put Loki ahead.
Loki stood and adjusted his now once again erected crotch. How did the mere idea of seeing Val get him hard? Loki sat back down and picked up his phone to call Thor and say no, he wasn’t coming but stopped.
Enough. His body would have to chill the freakout. He wouldn’t let a woman dictate what he did or where he went. Especially a Valkyrie. If he wanted to help Thor, he would help Thor, and his erection would have to go back to sleep. And there were only two ways for Loki to get it to go away. Screw something or remember the most bizarre and painful experience of his life— giving birth to his son Sleipnir— an eight-legged horse. And as there was no one readily available for screwing...
Loki placed his hands on his desk and took a deep breath before letting the memory wash over him. “Man, I hate this memory.”
“Let me get this right...”said Loki. “You, Thor, God of Thunder, want me, Loki, God of Mischief, to distract a bartender so you can talk to a girl. This is why you called me up here?”
“No, I called you here because I want you to touch Elle and tell me all about her and the possibilities of the future. But you won’t.”
No, he wouldn’t. Frigg had made him vow never to divulge anything about Elle, and he was not about to break a vow to Frigg— not for Thor, not even for Odin if he’d asked. Besides, if he did, Val would kick his ass. And while she might be fun to spar with, he didn’t want to have his ass handed to him by a female.
“Sorry. I made a promise.”
Thor clenched his jaw.
“Am I the only one who can’t know, or are there others?”
Loki shrugged. “I’m not one to gossip.”
Thor grumbled.
“Is our business concluded?” Loki asked.
Sitting in the booth and having Val across the room had him strangely anxious. He’d managed to calm his penis, but it was only a matter of hours before he was back in action and wanting to be used.
“Oh please,” said Thor. “Don’t act like this was such an inconvenient trip for you. You had to do what? Focus on the pub for five seconds before you were able to transport here?”
“Do you have any idea what my time is worth? What I charge per hour?”
“Well, this won’t take an hour. She gets her fifteen-minute break in less than five minutes.”
“After me sitting here, it will have been half an hour which equals—”
“One bottle of Odin’s reserve ale.”
Loki stopped speaking. Odin’s ale? The one thing Loki couldn’t reproduce at will. It was specific to Odin alone, and only Odin could produce it when he wanted.
“Agreed,” said Thor.
“Not so hasty” Loki held up a hand. Yes, he wanted the ale, but he hadn’t wasted his time for a bottle of ale, no matter how amazing. “I agree on the ale, but you will also owe me a favor.”
“What favor?”
Loki smiled. “I’ll tell you when the time comes.”
“That’s not a deal I would agree to,” said Heimdall.
Loki glared at Heimdall, who didn’t appear to notice.