She nodded. "Well since this one is for a boy, maybe I'll get it for Dakota and Griff. I could get a girl one, too, if you'd like. We Reeds tend to produce boys in the family but since..."

Makayla forced a smile, hearing the words Mary hadn't said."Since the baby isn't really Caleb's…"

Would the rest of Caleb's family be as accepting of the baby as Caleb was himself? She'd never even thought to ask what Jeremiah and Mary thought about them mating.

"I think Dakota would really like it," Makayla finally said.

Mary picked out a boy romper and a girl one. “I’ll get one of each. If you have a boy, Dakota’s baby will have outgrown it by then, and if you have a girl, you can have the other one.”

They made their way over to the men's section where flannel shirts abounded in every color. Makayla pulled a green one, similar to the one she’d ruined in the laundry, from the rack.

She looked at the tag for the size and realized she had no idea what size Caleb wore.

"He's an XXL," said Mary. "That is, if you're thinking of Caleb."

"I feel bad. I ruined a bunch of his clothes."

Mary chuckled. "Some of them are ready to be ruined. I don't think he's bought new clothes since he was in high school."

Makayla searched for the right size. She moved along and found another flannel in blue and a couple of thermals in different colors. She tossed them into the basket and then grabbed some white undershirts as well as some tube socks. She stopped by the underwear section but quickly moved on. She wasn’t ready to go that far. Heading toward the checkout she looked back toward the baby section again. She couldn't wait to start shopping for her baby.

They stoppedfor food at about noon, but when six rolled around, Makayla was starving. She and Mary walked through the front door of a fancy Italian restaurant, and the smell of great food made her stomach growl.

"Hey, Mary!" A pretty teenaged girl with a heart-shaped face and dark almond shaped eyes stood behind the hostess desk and smiled. Her smile seemed strangely familiar.

"Hey Paige. How are ya, honey?"

"I'm good. Mom's in the back. She's going to be so happy to see you."

Mary turned to Makayla. "Paige, I'd like you to meet Makayla."

Paige reached across the desk and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. Are you new in Wolf River?"

"Yes. I just moved up here a few weeks ago."

"Cool. Where from?"

"Los Angeles."

Paige stared at Makayla for a moment, and her smile faltered. She looked from Makayla to Mary and back.

"Los Angeles?" she asked.

"Yup. My parents grew up in Wolf River."

Paige swallowed and stared at Mary. Something was wrong.

"She's mated to Caleb," Mary said.

"Your last name doesn't happen to be Devamar, does it?" Paige asked softly.

Makayla chuckled. Did everyone know about her? "Yeah, actually it does. How did you know that?"

Paige grabbed two menus. "Let me show you to your table, and I'll get my mom."

"Thank you."

Paige smiled but she looked like she'd seen a ghost.