They walked to a booth near the rear, and Paige seated them. Makayla waited until Paige was out of earshot before speaking.

"What's going on?"

Mary feigned innocence. "I don't know what you mean."

"Yes, you do. And so does that girl. Seems the only person who doesn't know what is going on is me."

A raven-haired beauty with the same eyes approached the table. The smile she wore was friendly, but her gaze scanned both of them like a predator.

"Mary. It's great to see you." Her voice came out anything but happy.

"Gia. It smells amazing in here." The two women hugged. "Gianna, I'd like you to meet Makayla. She's mating my son Caleb."

Gianna stuck out her hand and gripped Makayla's hand firmly. "It's wonderful to finally meet you after all these years."

Makayla looked between them. "I'm sorry, everyone seems to know something I don't."

Gianna crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, Mary didn't tell you? My daughter Paige is your niece."

Makayla stared off for a minute, and then it struck her. Paige's smile. It was exactly like her brother Colt's.

"You're the one my brother Colt—"

"Knocked up. Yup. I'm the heathen." She laughed.

Makayla fought for words. "Wow. It's really great to meet you. I wish I could say I'd heard all about you, but..."

"He's never spoken about me. I'm not surprised. We didn't part on the most friendly of terms. Anyway, let me get you ladies the house special for the night, all right?" Gianna didn't wait for their reply. She hustled back to the kitchen. Every word she'd spoken had been friendly, but underneath, every inch of her body language told Makayla that the woman wasn't ready to deal with anyone in the Devamar family.

Makayla's phone beeped, and she pulled it out and swiped the screen. A picture of an expensive looking diamond ring popped up on the screen. It had to be at least two carats. How the hell could Derek afford a ring like that? Had he stolen it?

The caption below read.I'm a jackass. I'm sorry. Forgive me.

"Wow. That ring is huge! Caleb must have done something pretty bad to give you that." Paige set two glasses of water on the table.

Makayla shoved her phone back in her purse and looked over to Mary. The frown on Mary's face sent spiders crawling all over her skin. She sipped her water and gave Paige a sheepish smile.

"So, you're my aunt, huh?" Paige lounged against the booth near Mary.

"Seems so."

"You don't look like my dad."

"Makayla looks like her mother," Mary replied.

A thought occurred to Makayla. "Have you ever met your dad?"

"Sure. He comes up in the summer. I meet him in Coeur d’Alene, and we stay up there for a couple of weeks."

How did Makayla not know that?

Gianna arrived with two large plates of several Italian dishes. She set them on the table along with breadsticks and salad.

"Paige, can you please go seat our other guests?" Gianna asked.

Paige smiled. "Nice to meet you, Aunt Makayla. I hope to see you again soon."

"You, too." Makayla watched Paige walk off and then turned her attention back to the table. Both Mary and Gianna watched her with penetrating stares.