"Alice was here today with Hannah," she finally said.
Caleb's chest squeezed and looked at her. "I didn't see them."
"You were in the water. They weren’t here long."
"Did something happen?"
"Alice saw Makayla and started yelling at her about Franny."
His heartbeat quickened. "Makayla didn't say anything."
"Probably because she didn't understand what she was hearing. Alice said Makayla stole you from Franny, and that Franny was coming back. I thought you said she was getting better."
"I thought she was. It's... been a while since I've visited them."
"Well, I just thought you should know, so you can talk to Makayla. Explain what really happened."
They reached the pack just as everyone began to strip down.
Caleb removed his shirt, and his mom laid her hand on his arm. "You can still back out of this, you know. I know your dad wants to see the two of you mated, but there's no rush. If it's not what you want—"
"It is what I want."
His mom searched his face. "But is it what she wants? Really wants? Or is it just what she thinks she wants? I don't need you to answer that. I just need you to find out for yourself. Once you’ve mated—"
"I get it."
Mary smiled and touched his face. "I don't want to see you hurt again."
He hugged her tight. "Everyone keeps saying that."
* * *
Thunder awoke Makayla with a start. "Dad!"
She peered around the dark room trying to get her bearings. She was in Wolf River. Her pounding heart subsided as she realized she'd once again been dreaming about the car accident with her dad.
Makayla blew out a harsh breath and lightning cracked outside the window. She walked to it and looked out. Rain poured from the sky, and she wondered if Caleb returned yet. She picked up her cell from her nightstand to see what time it was, but it had died. She couldn't remember how many days it had been since she'd even looked at it.
She set it down and walked into the hallway. "Caleb?"
There was no answer.
She strolled down the stairs and checked the clock on the oven. It was close to eleven thirty. A bright set of headlights flashed through the front window of the cabin, and she recognized Griffin's Jeep. Caleb jumped out of the passenger side and dashed for the front door. He opened the door and dripped onto the wood floor.
"Wait there." She hurried to the laundry room, grabbed a large towel, and headed back to the front door.
"What are you doing up?" he asked as she handed him the towel.
"The thunder woke me, and my phone was dead so I came down to find out what time it was."
He wiped his face and hair. "Your phone died? That must be a first."
She laughed. "Ha ha. Funny."
He chuckled, a deep rumbly sound that made her smile.
"How was your run?"