Dakota screeched. "Griffin Reed, knock it off."

Griffin laughed. "Come make me, baby lady." He splashed her again.

Dakota kicked water at him. "You know when this boy is born, I'm gonna start training again, and then you're in for a serious world of hurt, right?"

"But until then, you're fair game." He splashed her again, and this time Makayla got the brunt of it.

"Hey!" she yelled. "I'm not part of this."

"Oh yeah?" Caleb came up alongside her and splashed her.

She splashed him back. "No fair. We're up here like beached whales, totally clothed, and you two come along trying to drench us."

"Don't worry, that's what big brothers are for," said a male voice from behind them.

Makayla turned to see Logan strip off his polo shirt and khakis and dive over them into the water, tackling both Griffin and Caleb at the same time.

Dakota laughed and clapped. "Get 'em, Logan."

The three brothers wrestled in the water, every man for himself. Makayla smiled, remembering the three of them being like this when they were young and all together at the very same lake. The lake she would someday watch her own boys play in. She rubbed her belly. If she and Caleb had boys.

Watching Caleb made her want that more than anything.

Chapter 16

The sun was beginning to go down when Caleb packed their things back into the truck. It'd been a great day, perfect really. A day like he never thought he'd have again.

Makayla hopped up onto the passenger’s seat, and he closed the door. She rolled down the window and smiled at him. "When do you think you'll be home?"

Home. Their home.Not just his anymore. "The runs can go pretty late, but I'll try to be home by midnight."

She bit her lip, and he could see questions in her eyes. "Do you want me to wait up?"

He shook his head. "Nah, you should get some rest. It's been a long day."

"Okay." She leaned out the window and pressed her lips to his.

His heartbeat jumped into overdrive at the feel of her soft, warm mouth. It took all of his restraint from grabbing her by the hair and plunging his tongue into her mouth. All thoughts of running with the pack faded, and all he wanted was to go home with her and spend the night in her arms. Caleb's wolf yowled in delight at the smell of her, like sunshine on the sand.

He touched her cheek, and she broke away from him. "Be safe."

He nodded and backed away from the truck. "If you have an emergency, call Doc."

"She'll be fine," Dakota called from the driver’s seat.

He caught her hand and didn’t release it until Dakota backed the truck out of the spot. He watched it disappear down the dirt road and rubbed his chest. His wolf didn't like the idea of her being so far away, but it was his duty to run with the pack. A droplet hit Caleb's head, and he looked up at the darkening cloudy sky. Maybe he'd get lucky and it would rain, then he'd be able to go home early.

Jeremiah howled, and Caleb headed back toward the lake, stopping at the edge of the clearing where his mom waited for him.


"Hi, son." She fell in step next to him. "Good day?"

He nodded. "It was."


They continued toward the lake, but he could tell there was something she wanted to say.