A knock on her bedroom door pulled her from her thoughts. She rolled quickly away from the door as embarrassment scoured over her.

"I'm going to head to work now."

She nodded but didn’t speak.

"I left you some food on the counter."

"Thank you."

"I'd really like you to eat something today, please. For the baby's sake."

She squeezed her eyes shut. Not for her sake? Not so she was okay?

"I'll be back about five. Make sure to check on the chickens and the garden."

She sucked in a deep breath. The scent of his cologne wafted over to her, reigniting her thoughts and making her wolf wake up and take notice. What was that all about? She couldn't stand the smell of anything lately, why did he smell so damn good all of a sudden? Caleb's scent warmed her in places she didn't want to think about. Even if her body and wolf had decided they wanted to feel his skin pressed against hers, it didn’t mean he wanted anything to do with her in that way.

“Have a good day,” she managed.

He closed the door and his heavy booted footsteps receded down the stairs. The silence of the house enveloped her as his truck crunched down the gravel drive and out to the road.

Her wolf grumbled, wanting to go with him.

Makayla threw the blankets over her head and closed her eyes – but that only brought more visions of Caleb in all his hunky glory.

* * *

Around three Calebfinally broke away from the work site to grab a sandwich at the diner. He walked in to the mostly empty restaurant and sat at the counter. An older woman stepped out of the back and noticed him.

“Hey Caleb.”

“Gladys. How are you doing?”

“Can’t complain.”

Caleb nodded taking in the wrinkles crinkling around her tired eyes.

“Sandwich and coffee to go?”

“I think I’ll eat here today.”

Gladys nodded and walked into the back.

Caleb hung his head. He fought the urge to look at the corner booth where he used to sit with Franny. It surprised him how his thoughts of her had lessened with Makayla’s arrival. Guilt struck him at the realization, making him sigh. Moving on was a good thing, right? It’s what he hoped for. What he wanted. So why did he feel like being with Makayla was a betrayal?

A plate plopped down in front of him hard, the force making the top bread slide off his lunch. Caleb looked up to catch a pair of fiery eyes.Hannah. Damn.He thought she got off at noon.

“Hannah.” Caleb pushed the bread back onto his sandwich.

“Caleb.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

He’d tried hard to avoid her since Makayla’s arrival. Franny’s older sister had a tongue like a bullwhip and the temper of a rabid Alpha.

“New wife not so domestic I hear.”

Caleb’s wolf growled at the insult. Caleb bit into his ham sandwich avoiding Hannah’s accusation.

“Hear she prefers to sit in the library all day texting her city friends and doing status updates over spending time with you.”