Caleb tore off another hunk of his sandwich ground it into mush before swallowing. Hannah’s pain hadn’t dimmed since Franny’s death, and with their mother’s failing mental health and Hannah having to take over the running of the diner, she had a lot on her plate. Even so… he’d not seen her so venomous in over a year.

“Makayla and I are just starting to get to know each other. Wolf River isn’t really what she is used to.”

“Seems more like you aren’t really what she’s used to.”

Caleb dropped his sandwich and growled. He didn’t need Hannah pointing out that things between him and Makayla weren’t exactly how he’d hoped. He felt the distance between them every single minute he in his house.

“Why did you even choose her? There are dozens of Blood Born you could have chosen from. Many of them have tried to get you in their bed, and yet you chose a stuck up, prissy, designer label, mall rat.”

Caleb slammed his fist on the counter making it shake and his coffee spill. He took a deep breath and pushed down his snarling wolf before speaking.

“Because you are Franny’s sister, I will let this go. Just once, Hannah. But if you ever speak of Makayla like that again, the conversation will have a very bloody end for one of us.”

The fear in Hannah’s eyes could not be denied. Even so, she continued to stand defiantly, offering no apology.

Caleb pulled out a ten-dollar bill and slapped it on the counter. “You let everyone else who comes in here know what I said. If anyone speaks ill of her, even my dad won’t be able to save them from my wrath. Got it?”

She nodded almost imperceptibly. Caleb stalked to the door and threw it open so hard he thought he might break it.

He didn’t want other people in his business. And the last thing he needed was for gossip to start about his relationship before it had even cemented. Problem was… everything Hannah had said was the truth.

Caleb openedthe front door to find all the lights off in the house. It was almost five fifteen, and the food he'd made Makayla for breakfast still sat on the counter untouched.

For the first time his anger spiked, and his wolf growled at the sight. He stomped into the kitchen and tossed the eggs in the trash. He snatched up the toast and headed out the back door to the chicken coop. The chickens pecked at the dry ground, both their water and food containers empty. He tossed the toast into the pen and scooped up some feed and poured it in their bowls along with some water from the run-off barrel.

He shook his head as he stalked back into the house. His pile of laundry still sat next to the washing machine untouched.

He clenched his fists several times then paced into the kitchen and pulled noodles from the cabinet, setting them to boil. His laundry went into the washer, then he grabbed the dirty dishes from the sink, and shoved them into the drying rack.

Husband. Mate. Cook. Maid. Servant. Slave.

He set his palms on the counter and took a deep breath. Hannah’s words floated back to him just like they had every few minutes for hours.“Seems more like you aren’t really what she’s used to.”

Being a bachelor and having to do stuff for himself was one thing. But being in a marriage, even an arranged one, he thought would at least bring him some sort of comfort. Companionship. Someone to share with. To talk to. To spend time with. He didn't expect much. But hell… He looked up at the closed bedroom door where she’d stayed every moment that she wasn’t out of the house.

He’d picked out all the appliances when she hadn’t wanted to join him. Griff had helped him put them in and finish the cabinets. He’d made her a chicken coop. He’d given her space. He’d done everything he could think of to make her comfortable and happy. And still she wanted nothing to do with him.

Caleb stormed to his bedroom and took off his boots, chucking them into the closet. He stripped out of his work clothes and wrapped a towel around himself and headed for the shower. He let the cold water rain over his skin calming the fire in his gut and sending his wolf back into a deep slumber. The fire alarm blared to life, piercing the house.

Shivering he jumped out of the shower and threw on some sweats and hurried to the kitchen. The water had boiled away and burned noodles stuck to the pan.Damn.How long had he been in the shower? He grabbed the pot handle, and it seared his palm.

"Shit!" He dropped the pot and the hot noodles splashed on his feet. “Shit!” He hopped back as the fire alarm continued to shriek.

Running into the front room he opened the windows and the front door, letting the smoke out. The door to Makayla's room finally opened, and she stepped out in the same cami and underwear from the night before. She covered her ears, and she scanned the scene.

Finally, the alarm turned off leaving his ears ringing with the echo of it.

"What happened?" she called down from the landing.

He stormed back into the kitchen and grabbed a rag. Scooping up the noodles, he plopped them back in the pot and threw the whole thing in the sink.

"Was that dinner?"

Caleb's muscles twitched, and his foot throbbed. He worked his jaw for a minute before blowing out a breath and turning to look at her.

"Yes," he said calmly.

She chewed her lip for a minute. "So, there's nothing to eat?"