Page 44 of Jagged Edges

“I miss you,” Bello breathed life into me as he approached.

Without hesitation, his lips were on mine as his body pushed me forward and back into the bathroom. Our tongues tangled as our hands roamed each other’s bodies. I’d missed him so much that my heart ached to have him near, again. Skin to skin simply wasn’t enough. I needed to be inside of his soul.

“I love you,” the words fell from my lips as I pulled away from him to acknowledge.

His palm collided with the center of my neck before his fingers engulfed the remainder of it. Bello kissed me once more before returning, “I’ve loved you since the moment I saw your pretty face, Brisk. Stop running from something you can’tcontrol. Me and you, we’re tied. Not just by the heart, but by the souls.Jagged edgesand all.”

With that declaration, he forced me to spin until my breasts were staring back at me in the mirror. His grip loosened as the position of his hand on my neck changed before he settled for a good grip on my braids. I arched my back immediately in order to find comfort.

I watched in the mirror as Bello pulled his joggers and boxers down in one motion. His hard sprang to life, assaulting my butt in the process. My mouth watered as his skin touched mine. Then, suddenly, he dipped low and disappeared behind me.

Spuuuuh!His spit made contact with my backside before he appeared, again. The second he’d straightened up completely, he entered me without remorse.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh,” he rejoiced.

Closing my eyes, I did the same.

“Open your eyes,” he challenged.

In the mirror before us, he gazed at me. The sight of us together combined with the feeling of him ravishing my insides was too much to bear, causing me to close them again.

“Open your eyes,” he repeated, picking up speed and driving himself into me harder.

Complying, I opened my eyes and arched my back a bit more. My appreciation for his skillfulness coated his skin, making it easier for me to slide back and forward.

“Shit,” he fussed. “Throw that shit back, then.”

A hard slap on the cheek made me cream profusely. “I missed this soooo much.”

“Where the fuck you been?” Bello tossed out, well aware that I’d give up any amount of information while he was inside of me. Nothing was off-limits.

“I’ve been… in the hills,” I revealed.


“The hills.”

“More specific,” he demanded, never missing a beat.

“The park. The R… V park.”

Another slap on the ass and my climax was ready for its debut. Bello and I watched one another from the large glass mirror in front of us, both saying everything without saying anything as we rode the wave that would lead us to our destinations. I could hear my sloppiness each time he pulled backward before coming forward, again.

“Brisk!” Melonie’s voice rang out, startling me to the point of a near heart attack. I tried pushing Bello from behind me, but he closed the bathroom door, instead.

“She’s not going to come all the way down,” he convinced me. “Say something back.”

“Uh… Yeah?” I shrugged, not knowing what to say exactly.

“You want pizza?” She asked, still at the top of the stairs.

“No. No you don’t want no fucking pizza because you’re leaving once she finishes crying on your shoulder.” Bello whispered in my ear.

“Uh. No. I’m fine,” I made out as clearly as possible while Bello dug into me from behind. So slowly and methodically that it was driving me insane. He felt too good to me. My juices were evidence of my appreciation.

“Ok. I was about to order some, but I guess I’ll find something in the kitchen to snack on.”

“Oka… aaaay,” I yelled back.