“This shit so fucking wet,” Bello didn’t seem fazed by the encounter, but I was shaken.
“What if we get caught?”
“She thinks I’m gone,” he shared.
“This feels so wrong,” I whimpered.
“But, it feels so right,” Bello responded, sinking his teeth into my shoulder as he reached around and thumbed my clit. “Now, cum for me.”
Tossingand turning all fucking night had left me with no choice but to take a seat on the balcony as I sipped the Hennessy straight from the bottle. It was going on two and I still hadn’t heard from Brisk. I’d expected her to show up at my door when she left my sister’s home, but I hadn’t heard anything from her. I fell asleep waiting up for her, but just like the other nights, it wasn’t going well.
I felt like a sucker with a jones for a woman who didn’t want shit to do with me, but I knew that wasn’t true. Brisk wanted this. She wanted me and everything I had to bring to the table, but she also wanted her friendship just as bad. I understood, but I’d be damned if it didn’t drive me crazy in the process.
She’d asked for one night but this was the third and I refused to lay back down without her at my side. My first guess was that she’d spent the night with Melonie, but that wasn’t the case. Melonie had texted me before going to sleep asking what I had planned the next day. We chatted briefly, but she never indicated that Brisk was still around. She’d mentioned it feeling good to have gotten a few hours of her time. That meant their chat session had ended.
Melonie had dragged me across town to pick her up in the slingshot. She’d complained about stress kicking her ass and just needing a moment out of the house. We ended up going for tacos and queso. We’d made it back an hour before Brisk showing up. I’d parked the slingshot in the garage out of sheer habit because there weren’t any chances of rain in the forecast. If so, I wouldn’t have driven it.
I stared down at Brisk’s contact on my phone.
Baby.It was simple and straight to the point because that’s exactly what she was to me. My baby. And, I wanted her here with me right now. Putting my pride aside like I’d done over the last few days since she’d left my home, I called her.
“Hi?” She answered on the second ring. Sleep was evident in her voice. I’d awakened her, but I was happy she’d answered.
“Where are you, love?”
“I’m in the hills,” she sighed, “What time is it?”
I didn’t have any more words for Brisk, so I ended the call and headed back inside. I tossed a pair of sweats over my briefs and a shirt over my bare chest. My cell buzzed in my pocket as I pulled a fitted cap over my head and opened my front door.
It wasn’t until I was inside of my car and headed toward the same RV Park I’d made it my mission to find on the way home that I checked my cell. Brisk was calling me back, but there was no need to answer. I’d be seeing her at the park in a few. It, too, was in Huffington Hills and a mere six miles away from myhouse. The Hills RV Rest and Resort was the name of it and it was the only one in the hills.
I arrived at the rest area and parked my car near the entrance where vehicles were stationed. Accessing the compartment in my dash, I grabbed the .40 caliber and tucked it underneath my arm. I locked the doors and headed for the sea of RVs and campers that were on the grounds.
MyNikeslides penetrated the grassy plain before stepping up and onto the concrete slab. Row after row, I searched until I located the Volkswagen logo in beige. Though it was relatively dark inside, there was a glimmer of light in the back of the camper. I opened my messages and immediately texted Brisk. The last thing I wanted to do was sneak up on her like this.
Open up.
Baby: You hung up in my face.
Open up and let me make it up to you.
The sound of the doors separating intrigued me. My dick hardened at even the thought of seeing her. The web that Brisk had me wrapped up in was shameful, but I didn’t give a fuck. Baby had that thunder between her thighs and a heart of gold. She brought me peace that not even my piece could. When she was around, the entire world played in the background.
Brisk opened the doors and sighed in contempt as she stared right at me. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she backed into the camper and sat on the bed. I followed her into the neatly arranged space after closing the doors behind me.
“I’m sorry I hung up on you,” I chuckled, “But can you drop the attitude? I haven’t seen you in three whole days.” I reminded her as I laid my Glock on the counter in front of us.
“You saw me a few hours ago,” she groaned.
“Involuntarily, though. But, not again. Never again.” I explained, removing my shirt and pants. “Either we’re in this shit together or we’re in this shit together.”
“Bello, it wasn’t intentional.”
“I’m not here to fight. That didn’t get us far last time. So, come on,” I tossed my legs over the bed and then behind her. “I came here for sleep. I haven’t gotten any in three days.”
I pulled Brisk back down to the bed with me. She immediately rested her head on my arm. Beyond this point, nothing more mattered. I was right where I needed to be and so was Brisk.