“Technically, it’s your money, anyway.”
“Once money leaves my hand, it’s no longer mine.”
“Tomorrow is not good for me,” I finally gave in and told him.
“Why not?”
“I have to work,” I sighed, pulling back even further and rubbing my head at the thought of returning to work the next day - or in a few hours being that it was already morning.
“If the job makes you feel like that… quit!” Bello fussed.
The idea hadn’t crossed my mind, but it was tempting hearing him say it out loud. WIth the money that Melonie had given me, I could certainly afford to, now. With the job gone, it would give me time to focus on finding something better.
“I don’t know. I’ve nevernotworked. Since fourteen, I’ve had a job. I’ve hated them all, but they’ve kept food in my mouth and clothes on my back.”
“What’s your dream job, Brisk? Meaning, if you could choose any job in the world to have, what would it be? I’m going to make it my personal mission to get you there,” Bello continued as he took me by the hand and led me into the living room.
He sat me on his lap and began wiping my face as we both waited for my response. I thought long and hard before giving him one, hoping that I didn’t sound as silly as I felt.
“I don’t have a dream job, Bello. I don’t dream of working at all, especially not out of necessity. I dream of enjoying my days and anticipating my nights because they’re filled with bliss, instead of dreading the rising of the sun because it means the beginning of a new work day. To be totally honest, I hate working and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’m simply surviving and for now, work is necessary to do so,” my palms perspired as I revealed my truth. I drew circles in the middle of one, waiting for a snicker or the combatting of my logic.
“Then, I don’t think you should work, Brisk,” swiping the fallen curls from my face, he agreed with me.
“Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. I don’t have a choice.”
“That’s why I’m here. To make shit easy. And, I’m giving you another choice. Right now. Just tell me, what else is it that you want to do?Besides work?”
“I want to go to college. Just to feel like a normal person for once.”
“College is a good idea, love,” Bello rallied for me.
“Even if not college, I want a secondary education. I had the time of my life restoring my van to its current condition, which sparked my interest in interior design. You can get a degree in interior design. Did you know?”
“I didn’t, baby,” with a smile in his eyes, he told me.
“You can,” I nodded.
“Then, you should get one.”
“Maybe I will.”
“You will, love.”
Leaning in, Bello brushed his lips against mine, “You will. In fact, I have just what you’ll need to get started.”
My feet hit the floor again as he stood on his feet. With our fingers intertwined, he guided me through the loft and to the closet where my gifts ran the length of the floor. I hadn’t looked in any of them other than the ones that he requested, but I planned to get around to it as soon as I came down from the whirlwind I was currently in.
Bello leaned forward, right hand still in mine, and pulled two white boxes from the bag that was tagged with the six. He handed me one before grabbing a third, extremely small box from the bag. Too caught up in his gloriousness, I didn’t examine the boxes until we were seated in the front, again.
“MacBook?” I screeched, “Stop it! It’s like a dream for almost anyone!”
“An iPad Pro and a pencil, too. You have no excuse to fail any of those classes you’ll be taking whenever school starts, again,” he warned with a finger as I tore into the boxes.
“I don’t know, Bello. I’d need to get some type of financial aid or something and I’m sure it wouldn’t kick in, in time.”
“Like I said before, love, I’m here to make your life simpler. The minute I stop doing that, drop my ass with a quickness. I’m the only source of financial aid you’ll need from this point on. I’ll set up an account for your monthly expenses. All you have to do is tell me exactly what you need and the money will be there.”
“But, why?” I didn’t understand.