Page 34 of Jagged Edges

“Because you’ve been carrying this load far too long and it was given to you far too soon. I’m here now. You can give it all to me to bear.”

As much as I wanted to pinch my skin to see if this was real, I didn’t. Because, even though it didn’t seem so, I knew that it was. And, it wasn’t luck. It was life-shifting in my favor for once. For that, I was grateful.


The sun was still hidingbeyond the hills, keeping my bathroom’s light low with the moon’s stingy glow. I left Brisk to her new toys while I took a moment to decompress. Thick beads of water slid down my skin as I stalked the drain that it ultimately fell into. One hand against the shower wall, I cleared my face with the other every few seconds.

Life simply wasn’t fair. In no world or alternative should such a beautiful soul like Brisk’s be so troubled. While I’d had everything I’d ever need to succeed in life, she’d been given crumbs. Literal crumbs. It wasn’t fair to her or anyone in the same predicament.

Though her van was immaculate inside, even a blind mind could gather the lone fact that it was her living quarters. Thoughthe bed didn’t give it away, immediately, the clothes hanging to dry, a fully stocked kitchen, and tons of prepaid shower and RV Park receipts were dead giveaways.

Every day, Brisk paid just to clean herself and to keep the power in her van on. Considering how those two bills quickly added up, I wondered how she managed with the shitty job she’d told me about at the soup kitchen.

A gush of wind hit the side of my body that was closest to the glass shower wall. Still wrapped up in the mind-numbing discovery I’d made, my eyes remained forward as the water trickled down my face. Without a word, I welcomed Brisk inside.

“Hi,” she smiled, warming every inch of me.

Though I still hadn’t turned around, I could hear it in her voice. It made it so much softer and so much more delicate. It’s half the reason I loved when she smiled with her words.

“Hi,” I repeated, feeling her hands grace my back.

“Are you okay?” She worried, kneading the kinks of my shoulders. Typical of a woman, to have her entire world up in flames but still wondering if others were inhaling too much of the smoke.

“Now that you’re here, I’m better.”

Unable to hold my composure any longer, I turned to meet the wrinkle lines on her forehead. The water bounced off her radiant skin before hitting the floor and traveling down the drain. Bare and in her natural essence, she faced me. I appreciated the view something awful, the evidence hardening my dick between us. Her dark pink areolas pebbled, piercing the small space between us.

“What about you, Brisk? Are you okay?”

“I could be better,” she tilted her head and pushed her lips out.

The pouting made no sense until I felt her long, thin fingers groping my dick. She was the boldest virgin I’d ever met. Whileit was appreciated - her lack of shyness - it was alarming at once. She had no business handling my shit with ease the way she was.

“Put ‘em down, Brisk,” I warned.

“If I don’t?” She teased, testing her limits and her luck.

“Brisk,” I tried, again, head falling backward as the feel of her stroking my shit quieted me.

“I want to feel it inside of me, Bello,” she breathed, “Please. Please don’t make me beg.”

“Brisk, baby, are you sure you’re ready for that?” In all seriousness, I needed to make sure that she understood what she was signing up for.

“After the last year I’ve had, I think I deserve it, Bello.”

“What you deserve is peace in the midst of the turmoil, and I can give that to you. It doesn’t have to include dick,” I preached.

“But, I think I need the bonus.”

Brisk wasn’t going to drop it. I could see the look in her eyes. She knew what she wanted and the time for her to receive it was now. Obliging, I pulled her under the showerhead with me. Our tongues danced as I blindly searched for the loofa she’d been using during her stay.

After getting it nice, wet, and loaded with the only body wash she had in the shower, I insisted that she step backward to give me enough room to work. Starting with her neck, I scrubbed away the day’s events. I circled her nipples a few times too many before lifting her arms one after the other to clean underneath them.

Our eyes remained with one another as I familiarized myself with her curves, blindly. Each and every one of them, eventually dropping the loofa and using my hands as sponges as I soaked up every inch of Brisk. Stomach. Thighs. Right leg. Left leg. Right foot. Left foot. Back. Waist.

And… her round, voluptuous ass that forced her hips to form parenthesis - which was also graced with the tips of my fingers.

“Bello,” Brisk whimpered in my arms.