I giggle and cover my lips with my hand when I get a look at his disheveled state. Rion narrows his eyes and points his finger at me.
“Don’t even,” he growls, glaring at Dawson when he runs to my open my arms with a squeal and a loveable smile.
He’s just absolutely freaking adorable when he smiles. With his head full of beautiful dark curls, the biggest green eyes framed with thick lashes, and the cutest plush lips, I can’t help but see Rule in him every day that he grows. Don’t even get me started on his chubby cheeks. I could kiss them all day.
I blow a raspberry on his neck, making him giggle and squirm in my hold.
“Did you give Papa Rion a bath, my little turkey?” I ask him with a laugh.
“Ha! A bath. I wish. He peed on me,” Rion whines, pouting at me, and I smirk at the big baby.
“So, he gave you a shower instead?” I ask with a straight face.
Rion’s eyes go as wide as saucers and his lips pop open as he stares at me in bewilderment. I completely lose it after that, which only makes Dawson laugh with me. The naked, almost two-year-old claps his hands and points at Rion with a smile.
“Papa, s-ower! S-ower!”
And I lose it all over again.
Once I get myself under control, I wipe the tears from my eyes and stand up with Dawson. I walk over to the pouting alpha and pat him on the chest, far away from the giant pee spot, and lean up to kiss him.
“Go take a shower. I’ve got him. It was bound to happen sometime, sweetie. Could have been worse. Remember, Fisher peed in Forde’s mouth a few days after they all came home from the hospital,” I snort, taking the diaper and clothes from him, which gets a laugh out of him.
“Yeah, alright. I won’t complain anymore, lest one of them decide to better their aim next time,” he says with a shiver of disgust before kissing me again.
He kisses Dawson’s cheek next, which makes him smile, then disappears into our bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
I look back at Dawson and smile happily at him, bouncing him on my hip.
“Let’s get you dressed, you little booger,” I tell him in a silly voice, gently plopping him onto the bed.
“Ooger,” he giggles before he quickly crawls across to the other side and slides himself off the bed before I can even blink.
Then he’s screaming as he hightails it out of our room and down the hallway. I run after him as he dodges my grasp, the entire time trying to figure out how the hell he can run so damn fast with such little legs.
“Get back here, you little turd! Don’t you dare pee on anything!” I holler after him, making him giggle even harder.
While I chase him around the living room, Link bounces Fisher on his knee, thoroughly amused by the run around that our little boy is giving me. Fisher looks a lot like me these days, but I can still see bits of Ollie in him as he grows. His hair has grown out a lot, and surprisingly changed from that peach fuzz blonde to a beautiful deep red with wisps of curls and waves. I’ve learned to stop trying to tame it because it’ll do what it wants no matter how hard I try. He has the sweetest dimples when he smiles that I love, and he also has my eyes. The prettiest green.
Forde comes bounding down the hallway with Birdie on his hip, stopping in his tracks when he sees the chaos happening in front of him. Dawson is cackling like an evil little demon as he runs circles around me and before long, Fisher has joined him, having hopped off Link’s lap. Birdie squirms in Forde’s hold when I finally give up, collapsing on the couch next to Link, who wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in and kissing the top of my head. Forde lets Birdie down and she joins her brothers while Forde joins us, sitting on my other side.
Birdie is still the smallest of the triplets, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for in spunk. She’s a bossy little thing, and she can be a right little terror when she wants to be. I’ve attributed it to her hair. She’s just a little spicy, is all. She has the prettiest golden-brown eyes, and her copper hair is nearly past her shoulders these days. She also hates me messing with it, so, much like Fisher, she runs around with a complete mess of hair most days.
Rion comes out a little later, freshly showered and in clean clothes, and the triplets are splayed out around the living room floor, lips parted as they snore softly. After tuckering themselves out with all the running around they did, I finally got a fresh diaper and clothes on Dawson, and soon after the three of them curled together on the floor as they fought sleep. They didn’t win, of course, but they gave it their best.
Rion joins us, sitting in front of me on the floor and leaning his head back. I reach out and begin running my fingers through his hair while Link and Forde cuddle me on the couch.
Together, while the triplets sleep, we sit on the couch and stare out the window, watching the snow fall, blanketing our world. It’s a perfect moment with my alphas.
“We got you a gift, Sunshine,” Link whispers in my ear, making me grin.
“Oh, yeah?”
All three alphas nod with varying grins on their faces, and the butterflies erupt in my belly. Rion has turned to face me and is sitting up on his knees with a piece of paper in his hands. I gingerly take it when he hands it to me and read it, my eyes getting wider and wider until a gasp escapes me.
“You didn’t!” I say, looking at all three of them in shock.
“Damn right, we did, Baby Doll. You told me yourself you loved the place and would hate to see it become a tourist money pit. Well, Now that won’t happen. Lovelace is all yours,” Forde says, the goofiest grin playing on his lips and his dimples becoming more pronounced.