I can’t believe they bought me Lovelace. Just…. How?
“How did you afford this? It must have cost a fortune.”
“We used what we’ve saved over the years, plus what Rion and Forde have made atJinx.Especially with all the recent additions he’s added. The place has been doing really well. You knew that,” Link says with a shrug.
“It wasn’t too out of our price range, Ray, so don’t worry about it. We just wanted to give you something that we knew you loved, but probably hadn’t even considered being yours,” Rion tells me before I lean forward and kiss him.
I kiss all three of them to show my appreciation for this gift. It’s more than I ever could have dreamed of having, and now that it’s mine; I can’t wait to go back and start fixing things.
Godsdammit. I love these alphas so damn much.
I still miss Lake, Ollie, Van, and Rule every day, but it hurts a lot less when I’ve got three men around that love me unconditionally and make sure I know it. Who hold me up on the days that my grief peeks its head out, and no matter what I do, it won’t go away.
Two years have come and gone without my alphas, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop missing them. But thanks to them, I don’t have to do this alone.
I loved and lost, and I survived it just to find love all over again when I wasn’t even looking.
Like Forde said, life is uncertain. None of us know how long we truly have left in this world, but I’ll make the most of what time I have left, and I’ll love like every day is my last.
“Doyou guys think when they all get up here with us, we’re gonna have to come up with a schedule to get time with our girl or…” Van asks, brows furrowing.
“Nah. They’re our family, too. We just died before we got to meet them,” Ollie sighs, crossing his arms as he continues to watch the love of our life with our family.
Van stares at him with a guilty expression, looking like a kicked puppy, and I nudge Ollie’s shoulder, which makes him sigh again, this time in guilt.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to throw that out. It’s not your fault, man. It’s just the hand Fate dealt us. When they get here, we’re all gonna be together, in our own perfect paradise for the rest of eternity. Until then, we’ll watch over them all and wait,” Ollie tells Van as he walks over to him, slinging his arm around his shoulders.
Their heads lean together as they watch the chaos ensuing all around.
A naked Dawson cackles and sprints around the house on his tiny legs while Ramsey chases him with a diaper in hand.
“Get back here, you little turd! Don’t you dare pee on anything!” she hollers, making him giggle more as he ducks and runs through her legs just as she’s about to grab him.
Link is bouncing Fisher on his knee, making him clap his hands and giggle excitedly as his little feet kick out, enjoying the absolute insanity going on around him. Forde comes walking down the hall with the little princess in his arms a few minutes later, smothering her in kisses until he makes it all the way down and sees the chaos going on. His eyes widen as he stops and just stares.
When Dawson sees Forde, he laughs even louder and I swear to the gods, his little legs pick up more speed as he blurs past the massive alpha. Before long, all three little ones are running through the house as Ramsey snuggles up with Link and Forde on the couch, giving up on trying to wrangle Dawson for the moment.
I wish we were there with them, but knowing that they’re all okay and cared for, and that her alphas love our kids like their own, it’s enough for now. I’ll enjoy watching them all grow and love andlive.
And when the time is right, I’ll welcome my omega into the afterlife with open arms and the biggest fucking kiss.
I watch Ramsey snuggle in with her alphas once the little terrors are asleep, wrapping my arm around Van and hugging him to me.
It’s hard, watching everything that was once mine go on without me, but I’m also grateful. Because watching Ramsey suffer was harder. I never want to see her like that again, to fear that she’ll join us well before her time because she’s so broken.
If it wasn’t for my brother and his pack showing up, I’m not completely sure she would have survived. Jillian tried her best, but Ramsey needed someone to really push her. I’d never be able to repay them for saving her, but knowing they’ll take care of her is enough.
Time passes a lot differently here, so I know before we know it, she’ll be in our arms again. And for the rest of eternity, in our paradise, I’ll worship her and apologize for leaving her so suddenly.
Until then, I’ll watch her live.