Page 119 of Broken Bonds

These alphas are going to have me burning in an inferno before I can do anything to put it out.

* * *

Link helps me inside when we get to my house, while Forde and Rion grab my things from Link’s truck. I can walk on my own okay, but it’s painful, and much slower going. I know they said the road to healing faster is to make sure I move as much as possible, but I think I’ll heal much faster resting in bed as much as I can when I’m not at the hospital. All the walking they made me do over the last week has honestly only made my pain seem to get worse, not better.

At least they gave me this belly band thing that’s supposed to help keep pressure on the area, which seems to help a little. I’m not hunched over like a little old lady when I wear it, thankfully. And as weird as it seems, I found something that said to stick a pad to the area in case there’s any bleeding or leakage, so I did that as well. It also helps that it keeps my freaking adultdiaperand pants from rubbing the area. I look like a giant baby, but hallelujah for the damn things because they’re so much better than pads.

I just about died of mortification when Link saw me changing the other day and I was in nothing but the giant diaper and my bra. I wanted the floor to swallow me whole when he came back sooner than I’d expected. He, of course, looked completely unphased and even offered to help me get dressed since I was struggling with getting my pants on. It was actually beyond sweet, the way he kneeled down and helped me get my feet in the leg holes of my sweatpants and slid them up for me.

When we get inside, we stop in the kitchen so I can take my pain meds with a glass of water. After that, we stop by the bathroom, and he waits for me outside the door while I pee and change everything out. When I come out, Link moves to lead me back to the guest room I’d been staying in, but I stop us at my bedroom, ready to be back in my space. He helps me into the bed, fluffing my pillows and placing extras around me after he tucks me in, making me grin a goofy grin at him. He’s so adorable with how he takes care of me.

I boop him on the nose and he freezes, raising a brow at me.

“Did you just…boopme?” He asks, the corner of his lip tilting up.

I giggle and do it again.


Okay, so I’m a little loopy on the painkillers.

Link laughs under his breath as I fall back against the mound of pillows he’s set up behind me, my eyes blinking sluggishly as I try to hold them open.

“Sleep, Omega,” he says, kissing me on the nose before he turns to leave.

I reach out and grip his hand before he can get far, struggling to focus as I look up at him.

“Please stay. I want cuddles,” I say groggily, tugging weakly on his hand and sighing when he gives in, walking around to the other side of the bed and climbing in behind me.

Carefully, he wraps one arm around my middle and has me lift my head to pillow it on his other, before pressing against my back as close as he can get. He’s tense at first, but slowly relaxes behind me, and I smile sleepily, closing my eyes when he sticks his nose in my hair, breathing me in. His chest vibrates against my back as a deep purr rumbles out of him, lulling me deeper into sleep.

Some hours later, I wake up cocooned between Forde and Link, both of them snoring lightly as they finally get the rest they’ve so desperately needed. It’s dark so I know it must be late, and when I look on the other side of Link, I don’t see Rion anywhere. I frown, wondering where he could be when I hear a muttered curse come from the living room.

Curious, and needing to go to the bathroom anyway, I slowly wiggle from between Link and Forde, sliding off the bed carefully, glad when there’s little pain with the movements. I look back when my feet touch the floor, covering my lips to hold in the giggle that wants to escape when I see the two alphas cuddling, arms wrapped around each other. Not one to miss an opportunity, I grab my phone from the nightstand and quickly snap a picture, freezing when Forde shifts as the flash goes off. I relax when he settles back down and continues snoring in Link’s face, laughing under my breath as I sneak out of the room.

After a quick stop by the bathroom, I wander down the hallway until I reach the living room, finding Rion on the couch with a notepad and pen as he furiously scribbles away. His brows are furrowed, jaw clenched as he concentrates on whatever he’s working on.

I tiptoe up to the back of the couch and cover his eyes, leaning in and whispering, “Boo!” in his ear. He drops the pen, reaching up to cup my hands as he pulls them away to look at me with a smile.

“What are you doing up, Ray? You’re supposed to be resting,” he says as I walk around the couch and sit beside him with my legs beneath me.

“I could ask you the same thing, Alpha,” I retort.

“Couldn’t sleep,” he says, going quiet for a moment as he stares down at his lap. “What you told us when you woke up… about seeing your alphas when you died. Did they really say for me to use my ideas forJinx?” he asks when he looks back up at me, vulnerability shining in his eyes that has me wanting to reassure him.

Listening to my instincts, I move the notepad and pen to the coffee table before carefully crawling into his lap, straddling him as I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands land on my thighs, squeezing them lightly.

“Yep. Well, Van said it, but I’m sure Lake agreed. If you have ideas for the place, then tell me. We’ll do what we can. You have their blessing, and considering it was their baby... Well, that’s pretty big.”

He reaches up and curls his fingers in my hair loosely, and pulls my face to his. Pressing his lips to mine, he licks across the seam of my lips until I open for him. I rest my hands against his chest, losing myself in the kiss, moaning into his mouth. He shifts beneath me, and I can feel the hardness of his cock press against my thigh, making me moan again.

The way they’ve been with me since having the triplets has had me aching to show them how much I appreciate it in some way, preferably a naughty way, which is insane because I just had major surgery... and died. But maybe that’s another reason why I’m desperate for their touch, going insane with the need to taste them. To just live in the moment.

It probably doesn’t help that it’s been so long since I’ve let go and been intimate with anyone. The time with Forde doesn’t count thanks to my epic freak out after, but I feel completely mentally ready to take that step now. I’m just not physically ready yet.

But there is something I can do…

I slowly lower my hands, loving the way he feels. When I reach the top of his sweatpants, he pulls back and grabs my hand to stop me.