They’ve all been incredibly affectionate since I woke up, which is nothing new for Forde, but it is for Rion and Link. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it all, though.
“I wish I didn’t have to leave them,” I say, poking my bottom lip out.
“I know. I don’t like it either. But they’re going to be okay. Before we know it, they’ll be home and leaving them here will be a distant memory. They get bigger and grow stronger every day,” Link says, zipping my bag up after he’s finished putting the last of my things in it.
The triplets were all a little over three pounds each when they were born, and against all odds, all three were born incredibly healthy, with little to no problems. They had to have oxygen the first several days, but now the only thing they’re really concerned about is them gaining some more weight. They finally got latching and sucking down so I’ve been breastfeeding them when I can and pumping when I’m not with them. That way they have a bit of a supply until I bring more up here. Sometimes I’ll feed one and pump on the other side while the nurses or one of the guys feed the other two a bottle, other times I’ll feed two of them at a time while someone feeds the other a bottle. I try to rotate them out to make it fair, but there’s three of them, so it’s always going to be a bit uneven, I suppose.
If only I had three boobs…
I’ve caught Rion eyeing my chest on more than one occasion over the last week while feeding the triplets, practically able to see the dirty thoughts in his eyes. It’s left me feeling needy and desperate for relief, and yet there’s nothing I can do about it yet.
It’s going to be a long six weeks. Longer if I’m still hurting after six weeks.
I sigh again, this time in disappointment.
* * *
Before we leave the hospital, we stop by the NICU so I can feed and love on the triplets. All three are awake and alert when we arrive, and I grin as I lean over and pick Fisher up. I rub my nose against his, watching his blue eyes blink slowly at me. His lips form a circle, and his eyes move all over as his body tenses just before letting out the loudest fart I’ve ever heard from someone so small.
“Oh, you little stinker. What was that for?” I huff, booping his nose.
Forde laughs and asks, “Gods, Baby Doll. What are you feeding that kid?”
“Hush, you. Or I’ll make you change his diaper,” I say, raising a brow at him.
He just gives me a lopsided grin and shrugs.
“I was going to offer, anyway.”
I huff again and glare at him.
“You’re taking all the fun away from me. I thought I was going to be able to use diaper changes and whatever else as threats against you, but you’re doing all those things on your own. Stop being so damn perfect,” I grumble at them, sitting down when Forde takes Fisher from me to change him.
Rion brings Birdie over to me, which turns my frown upside down almost instantly. He kneels next to my legs, eyes latched on the baby, and I can’t blame him. They’re all so beautiful, and all three alphas are completely smitten with the triplets.
I pull the top of my shirt open and quickly get Birdie to latch, sighing in relief because my boobs were getting kind of full. It’s kind of like pin pricks coming from my nipples when she gets a good flow going, and my other side immediately begins to leak, making my shirt stick to me as it becomes soaked on that side. Then, Birdie lets go as the letdown really gets going and breastmilk sprays everywhere.
I jerk my shirt back up, but it’s too late. When I look up at Rion, I can’t help but laugh. Breastmilk drips down his face, over his lips, and down his chin, and he’s frozen with a stunned expression. Then he licks his lips, and his eyes turn into a forest fire as he stares at me. My laughter quickly dries up as I squirm in my seat.
Birdie fusses, so I put her back to my breast, unable to look away from Rion.
Forde snorts when he gets a look at him, clapping him on the back.
“Hey, Rion. Got milk?” he asks, cackling until he hears Dawson cry, and then Rion’s breastmilk covered face is forgotten in favor of the adorable baby.
Rion ignores him, eyes searing into my soul as he lifts his shirt and slowly wipes his face clean.
This man is going to do very dirty things to me when he gets the chance, and I can’t wait to let him ruin me.
“Whoops,” I say, my mouth going dry as I absolutely check him out in the middle of the NICU.
Thank the gods we’re the only people in here, aside from the two nurses, and they’re blessedly busy on the opposite side of the room.
He drops his shirt before leaning forward and caging me in with his hands resting on either side of the chair, careful of Birdie, who’s still pressed to my chest. When he runs his nose along mine, a shiver runs down my spine. I clench my thighs together and swallow, holding my breath.
“You taste sweet, Ray,” he purrs out. “Warn me next time and I’ll open wide for you.”
He winks and then gets up to take Fisher from Link to feed him a bottle, leaving me sitting there with my jaw nearly on the godsdamn floor and a throbbing core that’s not all from pain.