“Jillian is on her way, Baby Doll. They were right behind me, so she should be here any minute,” he says, kissing my cheek.
“They can’t wait on her. Will you come with me? I don’t want to do this alone,” I sob, tears streaming down my face as the fear of the unknown threatens to choke me.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Please. I need you with me,” I say, sobbing against his cheek as he rubs it against mine.
“Let’s go meet your babies then,” he whispers, kissing me softly on the lips.
I sniffle, wiping my nose on my gown, and glance over at Link. He smiles at me, but his blue eyes are filled with pain as his concern for me threatens to send him into a tailspin.
“Nothing could pull me from this hospital, Sunshine. I’ll be here when they wheel you out, ready to kiss you all over your beautiful face and meet those babies,” he tells me, leaning down and kissing me on the forehead again.
My eyes close as his lips linger, and when he pulls away, I have a hard time letting go of his hand.
“We’ve got to get you in there now, Ramsey,” Doctor Moreno tells me softly, but urgently, prompting me to let Link go.
I watch him until we go through a set of doors, and they close, cutting him off from me. When they do, I look at Forde, needing his strength more than ever as the feeling of dread tries to overwhelm me.
As they wheelRamsey into the operating room to get her ready, someone hands me a set of scrubs before leading me to a bathroom to change. I don’t even see them, everything around me feeling like a stop motion film. My hands shake uncontrollably as I undress, kicking my jeans into the wall as my frustration at this situation gets the better of me.
Gods, please. Please let her be okay. Please let the babies be okay.
I rip my shirt over my head and growl under my breath.
Why does this have to happen now? When she was so close to having them with no issues. When we were finally getting her to let us in more.
If I lose her, I won’t survive it. And if she loses one or all of those babies, I know she won’t survive it. Not after losing her alphas as well.
I can’t fucking lose her.
Tears blur my vision and I swipe them away angrily, taking deep, heaving breaths as I try to calm myself. I’ve got to be her strength right now. I can’t lose control of my emotions when she’s so fucking vulnerable right now.
So scared.
When Rion told me Ramsey had been trying to get in touch with me and that she was on her way to the hospital because she was bleeding, I nearly lost my godsdamn mind. I ran out of the bar so fast, nearly tripping over my feet in the parking lot as I rushed to my truck, unconcerned with how Rion or Jillian would get to the hospital. My only concern was getting to Ramsey.
But I did see them jumping in Jillian’s car as I spun out of the parking lot ofJinx, so I know they were right behind me.
When I exit the bathroom, a nurse hands me a bag to put my clothes in and takes it from me, then leads me into the operating room. I’m led to a sink to wash my hands and then they help put gloves on me. The room is packed, so many people in such a small area, but all I care about is my omega.
Ramsey is on the table, thick blankets piled on top of her as she shivers beneath them. There’s a piece of fabric put up close to her head, blocking her view of what they’ll be doing when they get the babies out.
I rush to her side immediately, taking a seat on a stool that someone pushes over for me. Gripping her hand in mine, I kiss her knuckles, holding them to my lips, and breathe in her salted caramel scent. She rolls her head to look at me, smiling softly.
“Thank you for being here with me,” she mumbles, and I blink back my tears.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but right here to experience this moment with you. I’m so proud of you, Baby Doll. In just a few minutes, you’re going to meet your babies, hold them in your arms. Gods, you are incredible.”
I lean forward and kiss her quickly, unable to help myself.
“Okay, Ramsey. This is it. You should be numb now. Making the first incision,” Ramsey’s doctor calls out, her voice muffled behind her mask.
Ramsey takes a deep breath and squeezes my hand, locking her eyes with mine. The room is silent other than the monitors and the sound of Ramsey breathing, and the next few minutes are tense as we wait.