“Baby A coming out,” Ramsey’s doctor says, and Ramsey holds her breath.
“Will you watch?” she asks me quietly, eyes blinking slowly, and I nod.
Standing up, I watch as the doctor pulls out the smallest squalling infant I’ve ever seen. He has a head full of dark hair and big eyes that are squeezed tightly shut as he scrunches his face angrily and wails.
He’s perfect.
“It’s a boy,” the doctor says, a smile in her voice as she passes him to a nurse, who quickly wraps him in a blanket and holds him up against Ramsey’s cheek for her to see him.
“You have a son,” I whisper in Ramsey’s ear, tears flowing down my cheeks at getting to witness this.
She smiles sleepily against his head and whispers, “Dawson Parker Daniels.”
The nurse quickly takes the baby and puts him in a bassinet before wheeling him out of the room. I can’t take my eyes off Ramsey, worried about how lethargic she seems. She’s struggling to keep her eyes open and my heart pounds in my chest as anxiety courses through my veins.
“Here comes baby B,” the doctor says a few minutes later.
I look over and watch as they pull the second baby out, their tiny face also scrunched up as they cry quietly.
“Another little boy,” the nurse says as she takes him from the doctor to wrap him up.
He has little tufts of blonde hair and the cutest button nose, completely opposite of his brother, but no less perfect.
I look back at Ramsey with a smile that slowly dims.
Her eyes are closed, skin deathly pale, but she still has a smile on her lips. I tap her cheek and her eyes open. She looks at me blearily, and a lump forms in my throat.
“You hear that, Baby Doll? You have another son.”
“Fisher Tate,” she croaks out, her voice sounding weak.
I glance over at the doctor when the monitor for Ramsey’s heart rate goes off, seeing worried eyes look back at me.
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” I ask frantically.
“She’s hemorrhaging. We need to get the last baby out fast,” the doctor says, but she’s not talking to me.
They work quickly, and before long, the last baby is here.
A little girl with thick copper hair and chubby cheeks that I instantly fall in love with and know without a doubt I will protect with my whole being. All three of them.
When I look at Ramsey, her lips are chapped, face ashen, and eyes closed peacefully.
“You have a daughter, baby. Come on, tell me her name,” I croak against her cheek, my tears splashing against her.
She doesn’t move, doesn’t open her eyes, and then all hell breaks loose.
She flat lines, and my heart stops. I don’t even realize that I’m hollering her name until I hear the doctor tell someone to get me out of the room.
A few of the nurses that were in here left when they took the babies to the NICU as they came out, and the nurses still in here quickly rush me out of the room. I fight against them, not wanting to leave Ramsey. They try to calm me down, but I can’t hear anything they say.
“Ramsey!” I roar, my voice echoing through the hallways.
Falling to my knees, I cover my face with my hands when the doors shut in front of me, and I can’t see her anymore.
The sound of several sets of pounding feet running towards me doesn’t make me look up, nor do the hands on my shoulders and back. I know it’s Link, Rion, and Jillian, but I can’t speak right now. I can vaguely hear them talking to the nurses that brought me out here, but I don’t hear their words.
My mind is racing, fear for the omega that stole my fucking heart overwhelming me.