He rose at my approach.
“My apologies for the delay.”
“I know you’re exceedingly busy, no apology needed,” he answered smoothly and showing no sign of agitation. At least toward me. I’d caught him grinding his jaw as he’d been typing away.
“Thank you. Let’s get started right away, shall we?”
He gave a nod and followed me out and deeper into the compound.
“Are you well?”
He smiled, reading the subtext in my question well. “Xavier is fine. He was in a session with his therapist at the house when I left.”
Relief sung through me.
It happened every time I heard something positive about how my son was doing. As awful as it sounded, I couldn’t trust him to be honest with me where that was concerned. So our two calls every day that I insisted upon could only tell me so much.
Orpheus offered more, telling me, “He’s been experimenting with his magic, flexing that muscle a lot, but also his vampire side. It seems he’s struck a balance at last and that he’s enjoying both aspects now.”
“And his mood beyond that?”
“Still struggling with the guilt of what happened.”
“What that demon made him do.”
I sucked in a breath, needing to move on before it impacted me. “And Alena? Talon?”
“Talon’s bouncing back as he does. Alena… that’s another story.”
“Does the situation require my interference?”
“Talon is going to try to reach her. If that proves fruitless, I’ll let you know.”
I gave a nod. “And you?”
Hmm.“Just like that?”
He frowned.
I elaborated, “You’ve been removed from Electi Academy.”
“Removed. That’s a very diplomatic way of putting it.”
“Ah, well, being in the position that I am here atExemplarrequires a great deal of diplomacy. Something I understand you employed with Dean Bronson.”
“Hmm, you’re watching me.”
I nodded. “Keeping an eye on your interactions with key figures, yes. Observing how you conduct yourself.”
“And why didn’t you make your displeasure known?”
“What would have been the point? Militarizing the students did endanger them. The faculty knows now so the army is off the table. My moves would be under a microscope even if I did finagle my return. Moreover, my attention is needed elsewhere now.”