Page 31 of Fallen Heirs

“You’re ready to come into your full potential, to finally put it to good use?”

“That I am.”

“I was impressed with how you handled yourself during the battle at Electi Academy.”

“I did what was necessary.”

Hmm. Modesty.That wasn’t a trait his father was known for.

But he did possess certain similar traits.

“What you did with the army, it was highly underhanded. Was that another case of doingwhat was necessary?”

He stared at me as we walked, trying to read me.

And I let him.

I didn’t want subterfuge between us.

That would make for a dangerous partnership and one riddled with headaches.

“Yes,” he told me, surely.

I smiled at his brazen honesty, not even trying to play it down or defend his action in that regard. “Abigail thought the same.”

“Change really is afoot with her and I in agreement about something.”

“You were in agreement with more than you think.”

He cocked an eyebrow.

“Before she died, she was working on a proposal to alter the way Electi Academy does things. Her and I were also meeting to discuss your notion to shift from a standardized approach to threats and employ a case-by-case approach instead.”

“When it comes to the kill being off the table in all circumstances?”

“Among other things. In fact, it has already been put to vote. Our senior members and myself reached a unanimous agreement. Regarding the Constantine threat, the kill has been authorized.”

“That’s a big step in a very different direction forExemplar.”

“A big step that could also prove dangerous if it’s not managed carefully.” I eyed him pointedly. “And with transparency.”

“I’m here for the same purpose as you are,” he assured me. “Constantine’s rise and everything he’s done since has proven that the current way of doing things isn’t good enough. It put so many in danger and in his crosshairs, including those I care about most in the world. My father almost died because of said shortcomings.Anda lack of transparency onExemplar’spart, everyone working against one another instead of as one. I aim to change that, to build a better, more cohesive and stronger way of approaching things so all this unnecessary pain, destruction, and death, doesn’t befall any of us again.”

I smiled. “Excellent answer.”

He smiled back at me. “Well, I came prepared to butt heads with you. At least, at first, while you remained unsure of just how similar I am to my father. What you’re chiefly concerned about is my penchant for going off-book. As I’ve just highlighted, I’m hoping you can see that I only do so when there’s no other choice, no other way forward.”

“When you’re running into roadblocks instead of assistance, yes. And your penchant for going off book actually has its positive aspects. It showcases your ability to think outside the box, something we, as an increasingly stagnant organization, could certainly do with.Butif you and I are to work together, there can be no secrets between us. From others while we are working a situation and devising the best strategy and approach, yes, but not from each other. That would make for adangerous situation and it would ensure this partnership fails in a spectacular and damaging fashion.”

“I agree.”

We fell into a contemplative silence for a while as we walked side-by-side through the winding hallways of the compound and I watched Orpheus looking around, taking everything in.

“Why is the compound so quiet?” he asked just as we were nearing the target location.

“That’s what you’re about to find out,” I told him, as I came to a stop in front of the arched golden door located deep within the maze-like structure of the building.

I swept a glowing indigo palm over it and the lock clanged, the door opening a crack.