That was what he’d called his supernatural orphanage that he’d been working incredibly hard to develop over the last year.
I’d never seen him so focused or so passionate about anything that even verged on work before. He’d really impressed us all with everything he’d put into this.
And it was all about to reach fruition.
Tonight Haven House officially opened its doors.
As we approached the double entrance doors just past the massive playground—one of three I knew there to be on the property from the many tours Tal had treated me to over the last few months as he’d been working with his team to get everything ready—the three of us watched little kids being escorted into the orphanage, looking around at the shimmering unicorn statues, the bright multicolored lights, and the two giant teddy bears either side of the doors, excitement brimming in their eyes and all over them.
Tal had really made it a welcoming environment.
We stepped into the lobby, watching the kids and teens coming in with their bags ready to move in, Tal’s team rushing about and attending to them.
“X,” I called, when we didn’t see him where he’d asked us to meet him.
He took my meaning and turned his head, concentrating and reaching out with his vampiric senses. “Upstairs,” he reported. “First floor, second door on the left.”
We headed up one of the winding staircases in the next moment, Alena nuzzling against Xavier as we went because wehadn’t seen him for close to a day with everything we’d each had going on.
I took in the brightly colored walls, a rainbow of colors all over the place. Even the stairs were covered with a shag-type carpet, adding to the cozy vibe.
We’d just made it to the landing when a door opened and Talon burst on out—carrying a little boy with fuzzy blond hair.
He couldn’t be more than a couple of years old.
A giant grin spread over Tal’s face as he saw us. “You’re here!”
“Of course we are,” Alena said, easing from X and going to him. “Who’s this little guy?”
X sniffed the air and frowned as he looked at the kid, taking to studying him curiously. “It can’t be,” he breathed.
I was about to ask what he’d just scented when the boy coughed and a puff of smoke erupted from his mouth, making the three of us draw back in surprise.
He couldn’t be a dragon shifter, the Dragon Empire kept a tight hold on their people, especially the children. They were extremely protective.
“A phoenix,” I uttered.
Talon nodded. “I got a call last night from one of my scouts in the field searching for kids in need of a home like this. This little guy was living with adoptive human parents who’d abandoned him with a bunch of firefighters after he’d accidentally set their house on fire. Not just him either. We’ve been looking into it all day and apparently after what happened to my parents, phoenixes scattered all over the place went into hiding. Constantine’s acolytes were hunting them while the war was going on and he found Calin’s parents. And…” He made a slicing motion across his throat when the boy wasn’t looking. “A friend sent him away to save him, hence him ending up with humans.”
“Wow, that’s intense,” Alena said. “We’ll find them, Tal. We’ll help them.”
“We absolutely will.” More of his kind were out there, it was a major thing for him.
“You thinkObsidiancan make it one of their missions? Really?” he asked me.
“I swear it, baby bird.” I held out my hand to Calin. “Although, now with this development, I may have to retire that nickname and hand it over to you.” I chuckled as Calin gave me a high-five, his eyes flaming.
He coughed again and fire erupted from his throat, but Tal was there catching it in his palm. He let the flames dance on his hand, which had Calin clapping excitedly, before Tal then snuffed them out. “I’m obviously taking point on this one. They thought he was sick with all the coughing, but it’s actually him coming into his powers.”
“Well, he’s got the perfect mentor in you,” X told him.
“Yeah, unlike the way it went for me at the Academy,Ican actually teach him how to get a handle on his abilities and learn control.” He cuddled against Calin. “He’ll be safe and loved here, understood and appreciated, not feared and controlled. This place will be his new family and he’ll never spend a day feeling abandoned or lost. I’ll make sure of it.” He gestured around. “For every single being who passes through these doors.”
He beamed out at all of us. “Just the way being with you guys makes me feel.”
“Right back at you,” I said, reaching out and stroking his cheek.
He nuzzled against me, then shifted Calin on his hip and told us, “It’s almost time for the big welcome assembly. Best get this show on the road. I was a little nervous before the three of you showed up.” He winked at us. “Now I’m good to go.”