I thrust a bolt of my power at an incoming rush attack from another Vampire Elder, blowing him back and knocking him out cold in the same instant, and then I turned to my soldiers.
They’d cut a path through our targets who today were an invading force of a dozen Vampire Elders trying to overrun an up-and-coming wolf pack. They didn’t like that the pack was gaining a greater and more powerful foothold. It flew in the face of their vampire supremacist beliefs. They were certainly learning the error of their ways and their fucked-up outlook onthings. Shit like that was the opposite of what we needed while the supernatural world was still working to pull together and recover from the reign of terror of Constantine and his acolytes. We’d made great strides, the populace had, but every now and then there were things like this. AndObsidianwas here to keep them in check.
“Let’s wrap this up!” Alena called over to me. “Gotta get to Talon’s opening!”
I looked out at her fixing up one of the lodges that had been damaged during the attack with one hand, while she blasted back two vampires trying to rush her, sending them hurtling a hundred feet away into the fields. Our soldiers then moved in to cover her while she finished up.
I smiled to myself. She was really something.
Standing there wielding so much power that she was now in supreme control of and comfortable with, blood splattering her face and her clothes, her eyes shining. She was in her element being a part ofObsidian.
I thrust a bolt of my magic at another incoming attacker and called back to her, “And pick X up from his reading!”
“He hates being dragged away from his fans! It’s already happened twice withExemplarandObsidianneeding his attention!”
“True!” I yelled over, thrusting up a shield as two rabid vampires launched themselves at me. They bounced right off it, the force of the impact of my magic propelling them a good twenty feet away. “He didn’t count on his dirty book series hitting it so big!”
After X had started to take on the role as joint leader ofObsidianand also member ofExemplar, he’d been under a lot of stress, so he’d thrown himself into his writing in the little free time he’d had as a sort of stress response, and he’d managed to bang out three whole books, making a series calledLoveMeout of it. He’d added a fantasy twist to it and marketed it to the supernatural world and it had hit big, garnering him a readership of die-hard fans within just a few months.
Now he was out there in the community doing readings, books tours, the whole nine. Alena and I had taken some of the responsibility ofObsidianoff his shoulders and he now functioned in an overseer capacity which served to placateExemplar’sconcern about there being little oversight. He spent most of his time atExemplarand working on his author career. And he’d never been happier. Finally, he was secure in himself and what he was, and actually enjoying life.
“Time to speed things along,” I heard Alena say.
I yelled out to our soldiers, “Shields up!”
As soon as they brought out theirIlluminex Shieldsand readied themselves, and I flew up out of range, Alena released a shockwave of her power that tore through the immediate area, downing every single vampire target left standing, knocking them all out in one impressive shot.
“There,” she said, shaking out her hands, mighty pleased with herself.
I grinned. “All right, let’s round them up and transport for processing,” I ordered our army.
Another successful mission.
Alena, Xavier and I rematerialized in the courtyard.
“Damn,” X uttered with a whistle as he took in the sprawling estate that shimmered with Alena’s golden power.
It was one of her magical creations. After Talon had seen the one she’d made to houseObsidian, he’d been so taken with it that he’d asked her to design this for him too. That wasn’t theend of it where that was concerned either. She was contracted toSabre Techwhere Elliot employed her special brand of services there too.
With word well and truly spread about thefailsafeamulets that my father had created to protect against her dark magic extinguishing ability, she was no longer feared by the supernatural world and Elliot had made the perfect decision to employ her and get her out there in a positive capacity too that had only helped to elevate her as a being who was both respected and revered instead of feared. It had all worked wonders. And it had lifted a great weight off her shoulders.
She was loving the work that she did with me, as well as her role atSabre Tech.
Where my work was concerned, I’d actually managed to make inroads with Electi Academy. It was under new management now and a program had been created to actually train students to become members ofObsidian, Exemplar,and evenSabre Tech.It wasn’t functioning just to control young supernaturals now, it was there to help them reach their true potentials. Like it always should have been geared toward.
I was splitting my time between all that and ruling alongside my father in the Dark Fae Realm. We’d managed to compromise. Things were more… diplomatic, should we say. Of course, with my father involved there was still a firm hand being used, but we’d actually found a middle ground where that was concerned. And the kingdom was prospering. That had also been helped by the pardon and reparations that had been made to my father that he'd long deserved.
Everything was as close to perfect as I ever could have imagined it.
Better than we’d all foreseen actually.
Even Talon was settling.
There had been some fallout after me dying for a few moments on the battlefield a year ago, but the fact that Alena had imbued me with her white light had also gone a long way to soothe that trauma of witnessing that for him.
And so had one other thing.
Haven House.