Page 13 of Axel

“Don’t tell me that.” She then looked up at him. “All right, do tell me, but I don’t want you hurt any more than what happened yesterday. You’re mine and I’m going to keep you as healthy and as safe as I can. Can you deal with that?”

“I can. So long as you’re there for me at the end of the day, I can handle about anything.” Nodding, she told him again that she loved him, and he kissed her before telling her the same. As soon as they were seated in the living room, Debra not too far away, Axel’s brothers came into the room with them to ask questions about what had happened. Since she didn’t want to hear it again, Mac went to get herself some tea from the kitchen.

They were headed home when she remembered her grandmother. She had requested her to come and see her. She was sure that she’d not requested anything, but that was what the officer toldher when he called. Mac liked that they were being more polite than her stupid grandmother was. They headed that way instead of going home.

The station house wasn’t all that busy. She saw that the sheriff was sitting at his desk looking at files, and one of the only two officers on duty was doing a crossword puzzle. Funny enough, it was about policemen and she had a little giggle about that. She told Officer Emery that she was there to see her grandmother.

“She’s in a right ripe mood, just so you know. And she’s more than likely starving on account of her not having her meal at breakfast or lunch today. We did bring it to her but she refused it on account of it wasn’t what she had ordered. I tried to explain to her that we’re not a restaurant, but she didn’t want to hear it.” He laughed a little nervously. “She only hears what she wants to hear, doesn’t she?”

“That pretty much sums her up in a nutshell. She’s been like that my whole life.” Emery told her that he was sorry to hear that. He gathered up his keys, and she noticed too that he put his gun in his top drawer and then locked it with a key that he put in his front pocket. “Don’t want to give her any ideas about shooting her way out of here, now do we.”

Mac had a feeling that the young man was a great deal smarter and savvy than he was putting on. She noticed, too, that the crossword puzzle he’d been doing was in ink and that he’d filled out nearly all the little blocks. Yes, she thought to herself, this was a man going far in the world of police activity.

Her grandmother was sitting on a chair—not one that she thought would be all that comfy, but she didn’t have any other choice. She didn’t know where it had come from then noticed that all the rooms had a chair in the cells. However, they were all chained to the floor or wall. Good, she thought. They’d taken out another weapon for her to use.

“You certainly took your time coming here.” She turned to leave but was called back. “Christ, you’re just as bad as your mother. She was always a stupid cunt too.”

“Talk about my mother like that again, and you can rot in hell for all I care. Tell me what you want so that I can consider it for about ten seconds before I tell you no. I’m busy, and this is my wedding night.” She asked her on what authority did she think she could just get married. “Believe it or not, but I’m over twenty-one, and I don’t answer to anyone anymore. What do you want?”

“I want out of here. And if you can’t get your head out of your ass long enough to care about me, then I want you to find me a good attorney.” She told her that she was married to a great attorney. “Good. Then he’ll not charge me anything. Not that I would pay for it anyway, but it’ll save you some cash. Also, I want more money than I’ve been getting from your father. He has a great deal of it, and I think that as his mother, I should be getting at least half, if not more, than he gets monthly.”

“Is that all?” She asked her what she was talking about. “I mean, did you have any other demands while I’m here? I’m not going to do either of the ones you put out there, so if you have more than I can lump into my telling you to fuck off, then go for it now. I’m a busy woman, and I don’t have time to come here when you’re perfectly fine where you are. At least, that’s what most of the town is saying. Oh, before I forget, you’ve been moved out of the village that you’ve been living in. They’ve put your things in storage for you to get when you want it. I’d hurry and make the arrangements for it if I were you. They’re charging you by the day for the cost.”

“What do you mean that I’ve been kicked out of that village? They can’t run that place without me there. You tell them if one of my things, even my hair brush, has been moved, I’ll own that place.” Mac told her that she’d never paid for the place in the first place, so that was a no-brainer. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. If your father would not have agreed to the things in that will, I’d not have to bother with…well, that’s not true. I’d still come around to make sure that things are running the proper way.”

She didn’t say anything but she did glance around to see what Axel was doing. He was actually leaning against the wall with his cell phone out. It looked to her like he was playing a game. Good for him. He wasn’t taking over. Not that she’d be mad at him if he did. She was just about ready to—

“Are you even listening to me? I demand an answer.” She simply told her no. “No? That’s notthe answer that I want from you, and I believe you know it. I want what I want, Mackenzie, or so help me, god, you’ll regret the day that you were born. Why they kept you is still a mystery to me.”

“Perhaps, unlike you, they’re good people. And they love me. Which surprises me that Dad would even know what that meant having you as his mother.” She turned to leave, having enough of her grandmother for the rest of her life.

“You get back here. Do you hear me? I will not repeat myself.” Over her shoulder, she told her that was good, it was boring anyway. “Mackenzie Booth, you’re going to regret this.”

“You keep telling yourself that.” She was out in the sunlight before she could remember if they’d appeared there. Axel was holding her, and she felt like she could lean on him forever, and he’d never stop being all that she needed in the world. “I don’t want to ever go back in there to talk to her again.”

“I’ll take care of her from now on if that’s all right with you. Your dad told me the same thing. That he didn’t want to have to deal with her anymore. She’s very caustic, isn’t she? Demanding too. I know that I’m not telling you something that you don’t already know, but damn, she’s a fucking bitch. How on earth did your dad turn out to be such a good man?” She told him what she knew. “So your grandda pretty much raised him and made him into the man he is today. Then how did he put up with that woman? I’m betting that she trapped him somehow.”

“She did. She said that he was the father of her child. My dad wasn’t my grandda’s son. But he didn’t care once he was born. I guess not only did he shower him with love and compassion, but he also showed him how to run an already successful business as well. Booth Reno was his baby when he was alive. He was very good at investing, too. When he passed away, he left everything to my dad. And if he were to give his mother, my grandmother, any more than she was getting now, he’d lose it all. But I don’t think that was ever a thought in his head to give her anything more than she was getting anyway.”

Hand in hand, they walked to the car. It was a beautiful night despite grandmother’s visit, but right now, she was having a lovely evening with her most favorite person in the world. They decided that they’d get ice cream before their dinner, and she was all right with that. Ice cream was better than a full belly of carbs any day of the week.

She got her favorite and made fun of Axel because he got vanilla. She liked it, too, the flavor went with all sorts of toppings that she loved. Hot fudge, sprinkles, and several cherries on the top. And not to forget the best topping, whipped cream too.

“I want to take you home and make love to you for the rest of the evening.” She told him that she would love that. “Good. Seeing you eat your ice cream makes my cock hard, and my heart beat a bit faster. How about we eat these on the way home so we’ll be that much closer to having a great night of sex with lots of climaxes?”

“Or we could just toss these and get there faster by walking. I’m sure that no one will mind us leaving the car here for the night.” He told her that he loved the way that her thought process worked. “Thank you. I’ve been thinking of this night for my whole life it seems.”

After throwing away their cones into the trash, they decided not to take the chance of leaving the car in the courthouse lot. Instead, they pulled off on the short drive a couple of times and necked a bit. She’d never done that as a teenager and found that it was quite exhilarating.


Almost as soon as they were in the house, they were running up the stairs laughing. Axel was thrilled now that he’d put together the bed that he’d gotten today and put the mattress on it. It was larger than he’d remembered, and he was glad for it.

Releasing her hands, he cupped her ass again and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his hips, and her arms encircled his neck. Axel covered her mouth with his and ate at her as he moved forward toward the wall across from the door to their room. Riding her up and down his cock, he pressed harder into her when her back touched the wall. Using it as leverage, he pulled her shirt from her jeans and ran his hands under to touch her bare skin. Everything about her was hot. Her sweet smelling breath to her skin everywhere he touched her.

Heat and soft skin, his hands could not stop touching her. Lifting his hands higher, Axel cupped her breasts and moaned at the weight of them in his palms. Using his thumbs, he slid under her bra and rubbed her hard nipples.

Need to taste them had him tear from her mouth and pull one into his mouth through the shirt and bra and bite. Her hiss of approval gave him all the encouragement he needed, and he started working at the buttons while he nuzzled at her full breast and pulled at the other nipple with his thumb and finger.