“I need to taste you. I want to suckle at your breast and taste you. Help me, baby.” She started pulling off her clothing and he was helping. They kept fumbling over one another until she seemed to have enough.
She smacked his hands away and lifted her blouse up and unclasping the closure in the front of her lacy blue bra. No wonder he couldn’t undo it. He’d not thought of it being in the front. As soon as it was open, he pushed the edges open and rubbed his nose over the hard peak, then took it deep into his mouth. She was rocking hard against him, and with every push from the wall into his body, he countered with a rock back into her. When he bit down on her nipple, she moaned and growled at him.
“Please, Axel. If you don’t stop, I’m going to come right now. And you did remember that we hired a cook last week and she’s right down stairs. You have to stop now before it’s too late.”
“It’s already too late. Come for me, baby. Come right now. I’ll catch you. I want to feel you come.”
He rocked harder, and with his free hand, he reached between them and pressed his thumb against her clit hard and then harder still. When her body stiffened, and he felt her start to shatter around him, he covered her mouth with his and captured her screams.
Axel kept rocking into her heat. His cock ached to be released and driven into her hard and fast. He held her as she came down from her release, as her body shuttered and shivered at the amount of power that had come with it. Axel held her as her body became relaxed, sated, and limp against him. When she rested her head on his shoulder, he let her legs fall to the floor, but he did not let go of her. Soon, her breathing became normal, and with it, her eyes looked directly into his, and he could feel her love for him right then. He leaned back and pulled her body to his again.
Taking her to the bed, he laid her gently on it. It was far from what he was feeling, and he was trying his best not to hurt her in any way. Christ, but he was aching to come. On her or over her or inside of her, he simply didn’t care at this point. He rocked into her again, and it had her stiffening up as she started to come once again.
“That’s it, baby. Don’t hold back. Come when you feel it, come and scream for me. I love to watch you peak, your body shudders over mine, and I feel you. Feel you everywhere.”
He moved down her body. When he forced her legs to let him go, she whimpered and tried to pull him back, but he kissed her hard and brought his hand to her mound.
“I’m going to eat you here, Mac. I’m going to lick you and taste you until you can’t stand it anymore. I’m going to drink you as you come, as you fill me. Then I’m going to drive my cock hard into you. Deep and fast, and fuck you until neither of us can move.”
When he moved this time, she grabbed the sheet beneath her. She could feel her pussy flutter and gush. Need curled inside of her, and she had a hard time holding the part of her back that terrified her more than anything.
Axel nuzzled her mound, and when she felt him move the bit of lace from her, she tried to close her legs to him. It wasn’t really that she was trying to stop him just something that he thought was instinct to her. He pressed her open and braced her with his shoulders as he ran his finger along her slit, gathering her cream as he went.
“Watch me, Mac. I want you to see me lick your cream from my fingers.” He brought his fingers to his mouth and suckled each one, savoring the taste. “Oh honey, you taste better than I thought, baby. Like honey and peaches.”
When his finger slid into her she did not stop watching him, seeing the look of rapture on hisface. Struggling now to hold on, he knew she was loving what he was doing to her and he loved it when she was so vocal with her releases.
“I want you, Mac. All of you. Please, help me get ready for you.” Axel reached for the condoms that he’d gotten and fumbled around with it for a few seconds as he was too hard, it seemed, for them to fit. Once he had to use a second one, the other burst when he tried to pull it down over himself. He nearly wept with relief when he was about as covered as a man could be with one of the things.
He pumped his finger into her, over and over, and when he added a second one, he lowered his head and slid his tongue into her. Moving more between her legs, he worried her clit with his tongue as he fucked her with his fingers. The coil of need tightened around him so tightly that he was hurting badly when all he wanted to do was fuck his pretty little wife.
Every time she got close, he would pull back and not touch her clit until the need to come lowered a bit. But it was getting harder and longer to slow down. Wrapping her hand into his hair, she tried to get him to where she wanted, but he was stronger and did what he wanted. Begging only made him chuckle, and when she thought she was going to have to hurt him, he gave her what she wanted.
He bit her clit hard and then suckled it into his mouth as he’d done her nipples; she knew it was too much. Her control snapped, and so did her hold. She wanted to come with him deep inside of her, fucking her like she wanted.
Her world froze for a second then everything in her seemed to shatter. He could hear her screaming. It ripped from her throat, no doubt leaving it raw and sore. Every nerve, every cell in her body exploded as his did. Stars, bright and colorful, burst behind his closed eyes. Muscles contracted, her body expanded, and when she felt Axel move over her and his cock slide into her, she screamed again, another climax taking her breath away. Her body tightened around him, pushing his cock deeper into her. Mac heard him growl, heard him speak but she was beyond knowing what he said. As soon as he was close enough to touch, she wrapped herself around him and let go.
It was nearly overwhelming, nearly consumed him, the love that he had for her. Even as he rolled to his side, taking her with him, he knew that he’d never have another woman in his life but her. Moving so that she had more room on the bed, he didn’t move for a few minutes before having to get up and go to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.
It was then that he realized that the sucker had broken, and they’d just had unprotected sex. Washing up, he headed back to bed to tell her, but she was snoring softly. Turning her gently to her side, he was happy that she curled around him in her need for more comfort.
Closing his eyes, he was sure that he was asleep before his body was fully relaxed. His entire body was achy but not really sore. When she got up to use the bathroom, he was simply too exhausted to tell her about the condom. He didn’t care if they’d made a child between them. But it was her body and her choice. He only hoped that she’d believe him when he told her how sorry he was.
“Tell me.” He looked at her with one eye. “Tell me what has you grumbling. Something about me being pissed off. I don’t know if you noticed this or not, but I’m too relaxed to be pissed about anything right now. So? What happened?”
“The condom broke.” She lay there for several minutes, longer than he thought was necessary, before she started to laugh. He didn’t know what she was thinking about, but he was nervous that he might well have broken her during their lovemaking. “Can you tell me what’s so funny? I’d like a laugh about now, too.”
“For all our prep, we still had unprotected sex.” She rolled over and looked at him as they lay face to face. “I love you, Axel. So very much. And if we made a baby today, I’m thrilled beyond words. I’m sure that your family will be as well. Don’t you think?”
“They’ll start buying things to spoil their first grandchild as soon as we tell them. I can see my mom knitting too, some kind of booties. Do babies still wear them? I don’t care. They’ll both, hell, they’ll all be so happy that they’ll treat you with kid gloves.” She told him that she’d only put up with that once before she had to put her foot down. “Yeah, I don’t see you as liking being pampered too much. You should warn them, however, before you go popping them in the head.”
“Maybe.” She rolled to her other side and backed her body into his so that they were back to chest. “I’ll not let Kahana give me the test when I know something. He strikes me as someone who wouldn’t be able to hold a secret. Maybe not. I’ll have to wait and see. How do you feel about us having a baby after only just getting married?”
For an answer, he put his hand on her flat belly. When she put her hand over his, he smiled into her neck and told her just how much he loved her. It was all he could have hoped for in a wife and maybe a family. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
It was nearly midnight when he woke up. He was suddenly famished and decided to go to the kitchen to whip them up something quick to eat. Axel was surprised to find a dozen or so little half sandwiches in there with plastic over them. Also there was fresh tea as well as chips that were laid out on the counter for them. Taking it up, he wasn’t surprised to find Mac pulling on a robe to join him.
They ate in the bed. Not the best possible place but it worked for the two of them. When he had unearthed some fruit, mostly grapes, on the counter, too, he’d brought them up and was feeding them to Mac as she told him what was on her list for the day.