Page 39 of Reign of Commotion


Niccolo and Alessio had arranged to have men waiting close to Angelo’s home and they were able to trail him in the car, keeping us informed and making it easy to catch up to them.It makes me nervous that we’re not sure where we’re going to end up.Angelo hasn’t given an address and gives his driver directions that seem to be taking them in circles.

It’s nearing the time when he’s supposed to meet Anton, aka Antonio, when we get a call from Amico, who’s trailing them.

“Sir, we just got a text from Loretto, his driver.Four-seventeen Triton Ave.Bridge Race Down, the track in Bratva territory,” Amico says.

“He’s luring us into his territory.I don’t like this,” Niccolo says.

“Anton doesn’t know we’re on our way,” Alessio reminds him.

“No, but our men are sitting ducks, and so is Angelo,” Niccolo replies.

“It’s time for Loretto to get a flat tire.That’ll slow him down until we can have reinforcements in place,” Alessio commands.

“Consider it done, Capo,” Amico responds and rings off to do his bidding.

* * *

In a short time, Alessio, Niccolo, and I get busy.Niccolo grabs a crew of men and approaches from the left, and I do the same from the opposite direction.Alessio is in a safe location nearby and will be making his appearance when we’re ready.

Bratva soldiers are lining the streets.They’re expecting trouble, and we plan on giving it to them.But we need answers and need to collect Anton alive.Marco’s been updated and is waiting to hear from us once we have Anton in hand.

Angelo is in our sight as his driver parks the car in the back lot of Vizavi’s Deli.Loretto steps out of his vehicle and opens the back door of the black Mercedes SUV for Angelo.I watch from the second-floor window of the run-down apartment building next door.There are three of us watching and waiting, and seven others circling around the neighborhood, ready to strike at any given moment, while Niccolo has set up in the alley with several others.

The back entrance swings open, and out steps a man in an impeccably tailored, dark gray suit, his hair, black with gray at the temples, slicked back.If this is Anton, he’s younger than what I imagined, maybe in his midforties.Rings bedeck his fingers, and a thick gold chain hangs around his neck.

“Antonio, it’s good to see you, but this dirty job was supposed to be finished days ago,” Angelo says.“It was Marco’s job to see that Milana was removed permanently.I was under the impression that you were in charge of taking care of this nasty business.”

“Marco was very upset with me,” Anton replies with a frown.

“He should be.I gave you all the information you needed to get rid of the woman.I’m surprised Alessio hasn’t hauled my ass in and torn a shred off me.The only thing saving me is that he’s supposed to be completely out of the mix,” Angelo says.He thinks the orders are coming from Marco and Alessio.

“You saw the papers just as I did.Signed by both capos.Alessio wanted the whole Manille family wiped out.If one is a traitor, they’re all traitors.And I’ve explained this before: Alessio has a deal with Raffaele.Milana took off instead of marrying the man she was promised to.Alessio doesn’t want to jeopardize his truce withUltimo Morte.”The lies run from Anton’s tongue so easily, but I’m fixed on Angelo’s expression, who seems bewildered, like he’s trying to make sense of it himself.There’s nothing to make sense of.It’s all total bullshit.“We’re going to have to come up with another plan.Perhaps you can invite the newlyweds over for dinner.”

Angelo takes a step back and motions for Loretto to come closer.From this vantage point, I can see and hear it all, and I definitely see that Angelo is becoming more anxious and nervous.“Perhaps it’s time I call Alessio, and he can let me know how he wants me to proceed,” Angelo suggests.

“You don’t want to do that,” Anton says with a sinister tone.

I see Anton reach for his gun, and Loretto pushes his underboss into the car, diving in after him.A barrage of bullets flies from every direction.Anton’s soldier protects his boss and pushes him into the deli.There’s only one other exit to the deli, and that’s the front door.I race down the stairs, taking out three Russian soldiers on my way down.

Alessio’s car comes to a grinding halt in the middle of the road, the door is pushed open, and Alessio ducks down behind the door.Half a dozen Bratva soldiers come out wielding automatic guns, shooting there way out.Not a thought for anyone and anything in sight as a hail of bullets fly through the air, and people scatter and run.Niccolo and his men return fire, giving Alessio the break he needs to move to cover.

I see my opening when Anton and his men make a run for it.One of Anton’s bodyguards goes down, and I chase after Anton , tackling his other guard to the ground, leaving their boss exposed.Anton’s asshole bodyguard may have dropped his gun, but he reaches for the knife strapped to his ankle, but I’m faster and punch him repeatedly until he’s lying limp.Then I jump to my feet and make a run for it when I see a gun trained on me.A bullet grazes my shoulder, my adrenaline so profound that I don’t feel it.The screech of tires grabs my attention.Alessio’s too.I take aim and hit the back tire.Alessio has the same idea and hits another.The car starts to spin and crashes into a lamppost.Alessio gets there before me, ripping open the driver’s door and yanking Anton Stanovic out from behind the wheel.

Anton’s injured, but not nearly as much as he’s going to be.He’s groggy, but not far enough out of it not to know that Alessio has him by the neck and has pushed him up against the car.Anton probably wishes the crash killed him because he knows his ending is going to be ugly.

“Go ahead, finish me,” he grunts, his voice fading as Alessio tightens his grip.

“My man was going to die locked in a freezer.That was very creative.I think I’ll take my time exploring other options,” Alessio says snidely, the fire of anger burning in his eyes.

Niccolo moves to Alessio and murmurs something in his ear.Alessio steps back, then suddenly launches his fist into Anton’s face three or four times before stopping himself.“Take him to the cellar,” he commands, then turns to walk away.His fist is bloody and swollen; there’s blood on his clothes.I’m sure some of it is Anton’s, but I’m wondering if Alessio is hurt as well.

I look around and see bodies on the street.I walk behind Alessio, looking at the dead men, hoping to God there isn’t one of our own in the midst.

“Where’s Angelo?”Alessio asks.Amico hurries over to us.

“He’s with Loretto.He was shaken up.He didn’t even know my name.Mr.Corso isn’t making any sense.He keeps asking for your father,” Amico tells him.