Page 40 of Reign of Commotion

“Jesus!”I swear, then ask, “Any injured?”

“Yeah, but nothing that the doc can’t handle.”He looks at my shoulder.“You need to see the doc too.”His eyes settle on the blood spattered on my skin and shirt.

“I’m all right,” I reply.

“Take Angelo to our doc.I want him checked over.I’ll be by later to speak with him,” Alessio says, then turns to me.“You’re with me.”He then shouts across to Niccolo, “Get our men out and make the call,” he orders.Niccolo’s the man who connects with the police in these situations.There are too many bodies to hide.I’m assuming they’ll make it look like a gang hit and call it into our contacts.

Niccolo nods and gets to work.

“You need stitches,” Alessio says.“And I need to clean up before going home.”

“My apartment’s not far,” I offer.

“Sounds good.”

On the way to my place, Alessio makes the call to Marco.Marco is told about Anton using Antonio Saverino’s identity and working with Angelo, who we believe is suffering from dementia.On hearing only one side of the conversation, I can tell that they both want to have the pleasure of making Anton pay for the trouble he’s caused.

“Anton is in my territory and was openly plotting to kill my man and his wife.We’ve spent hours tracking this fucker down, and it’s my men who were in the middle of gunfire not half an hour ago,” Alessio informs him angrily.I’m not sure what Marco said, but Alessio puts the phone on speaker for me to hear.

“Julian, are you there?”I hear Marco’s voice.He’s as angry as Alessio.

“Yes, sir.”

“I’ve asked Alessio to let me have Anton.He’s agreed to let you make that decision since it was your wife who was the target of his plan,” Marco says.

“My wife’s been living in terror for weeks.”

“I understand that.I also believe that you do have the right to inflict as much pain as he’s put you through.They left you for dead, and you have every right to ask to be the one to drain the life from his body,” he tells me.

“But…” I know there’s more.

Marco’s voice grows quiet, and I can feel the depth of his emotion in his words.“We know that our lives are filled with good and bad and plenty of upheaval.When we thrive, there’s money, our families, good times, anything we want is at our fingertips.We also know that in our Mafia world, death comes and takes away people we love.We pay a heavy price.”Marco’s talking about my brother.

“Yes, sir, we do,” I agree.

“When one of our own dies, we hope that they find peace.The fighting has ended, the pain is gone, and we remember them fondly.Our men have earned our respect and deserve it in death.His name and reputation are their legacy.Anton, he disrespected a dead man.One of mine.”Marco pauses for a moment, letting me take in all he’s said.“Antonio had a wife who adored him and two little girls and a baby boy at home.He was devoted to them, and he was loyal to me.I wish I had a thousand men like Antonio, and instead, he’s gone.Although this in itself is a tragedy, this isn’t what really bothers me.”

“It isn’t?”

“What hurts me the most is that they used Antonio’s name to dupe an old man and sully his name.Antonio servedLa Famiglia,and they have dishonored a dead man.This, to me, is a greater heartbreak.I want Anton to die by my own hand.I want to extinguish the light from his eyes as I tell him this is for Antonio and his family,” Marco says.His voice cracks from the passion.“I’m asking that you grant me this request.”

I think of my brother.I would lose my mind if I knew his memory could be tainted while he lies six feet underground, unable to defend himself.I glance at Alessio; he jerks his chin, and his expression says it all.It’s up to me.

“I want him to suffer,” I tell Marco.

“I promise you he will,” Marco replies.

I direct my attention to Alessio.“Let Marco have him.”

Alessio pats my shoulder; he’s good with my decision.

“You heard him, Marco, you can have him.I’ll have Anton delivered to you in the morning.”Alessio says.

I hear an audible sigh from over the phone.“Thank you, Alessio.And Julian, I’ll make sure justice is served for you and Milana as well.”


Take What You Need