Page 36 of Reign of Commotion

Milana glances over her shoulder with a small smile.It’s not a real smile; it’s totally fake.I know her smile, because when it’s authentic, the entire room becomes brighter.What she’s giving me now is so forced that I feel the heaviness in her heart.

“Josie has her hands full with Nicco.I thought I would hang upstairs for a while,” she says.“And I can use a little time alone,” she adds when she sees that I’m not buying what she’s saying.

I go to her and tug her out of the chair, sit in it, and pull her onto my lap.“I call bullshit, babe.I’d like to give you the time, but in a few minutes, Niccolo is going to be calling for me and then we’re out of here.When I leave, I gotta have my head on straight to deal with Angelo Corso.So I’m going to ask once more: what’s on your mind?”

Milana looks into my eyes and whispers, “When does it end?”


“No.”She runs a hand through her hair.“That’s not true.First, my father tries to marry me off and gets himself and my mother killed.Then I lived on the streets, and if it weren’t for Barry, I wouldn’t have lasted a week on my own.I finally thought I had it together, that I’d left it all behind, but then I saw you, and I couldn’t let them kill you.I fell in love with you that day,” she says quietly.

“Miele mia?—”

She won’t let me speak.“I knew the likelihood would be that I would die if Alessio caught me, but I didn’t care.You were worth it.”She smiles shyly.“Then you saved me.I didn’t care about the traditions because you were taking a chance on me, and I vowed I would be the best wife I knew how to be.”Milana’s voice drops in sadness.“Why won’t they let us live in peace?Why can’t we have a home together, maybe a family?”

“We will.We will have a family.But we will never be normal because that’s not the world we live in.I’ll do all I can to give you the calm you need to feel safe, but tomorrow will come, and some days will be great, and others will come with problems.No matter what happens, we’ll see it through.It’ll make us stronger,” I tell her.

“I hate that this is happening because of me.”

“You’re just the excuse.If you weren’t here, the Russians would find another.You just happen to be convenient.It won’t serve them,” I assure her.“We’re close.Very close.When this is over, I’m taking my wife on a proper honeymoon.”

I hear Niccolo call my name.I motion for Milana to get up and come to my feet.“Please be careful,” she says with her arms around my neck.She raises her face, her lips beckoning to me.I drop my head and kiss her sweetly.

“I’ve got someone to come home to.”I give her my sexy grin, and she rewards me with one of her own.“Be back as quick as I can.”

* * *

Niccolo and I stopped off at Angelo’s home first.His wife was home alone, and she was clearly upset.

“Tomasso has not been home in a couple of days.I’m worried sick,” she says.Her puffy eyes tell us she’s been crying.On Alessio’s orders, we’re not to divulge that Tomasso is safe, and his location is to remain unknown for the time being.

Niccolo is practiced in how to deal with these situations and takes the lead.“We’re concerned too.We wanted to offer our help in searching for him.I assume Angelo is out looking as we speak?”

“He is.Angelo’s a mess.He thinks the Russians have him.I don’t even understand.Tomasso has always kept his head down.He hasn’t had any part of his father’s business.He’s been too busy with school.Why would they take my boy?”she sobs.

Niccolo reaches out and gently places his hand on her arm.“We’ll find him.But to do so, you’ll have to tell us where we can find Angelo.I’ve tried calling, but he’s not picking up.”

“He forgot his phone again,” she says.“He’s been doing that a lot lately.Forgetting things and getting confused.I think he’s under too much pressure.He’s been so irritable, losing his temper and snapping at everyone.The other day, he just stared at me blankly like he didn’t know who I was.It’s just all becoming too much.”Her shoulders sag, and she looks like she’s ready to drop.Niccolo guides her to her living room and sits her down in an armchair.

“Is anyone home with you?”he asks.

“Lucinda is in the kitchen,” she murmurs.

“Julian is going to have her make you a cup of tea.You need to let us handle this, and we’ll bring your family home,” Niccolo tells her.I find the maid, Lucinda, in the kitchen and make sure she understands to keep checking on Mrs.Corso.Tomasso is an only child, and without any other family, this situation must be very hard on her.

On my way back to the living room, I catch sight of Niccolo in Angelo’s office and join him.“Find anything?”I ask.

“Something’s not right.Angelo’s always been an old-fashioned, good ole boy, a follow-the-rules underboss.He never liked change and has always held on to the old ways of thinking, but he’d never be a traitor.He’s been losing focus lately, more forgetful.I spoke to a couple of his men, and they say he’s been missing meetings, then gets angry, insisting he didn’t have a meeting,” Niccolo says while continuing to rummage through his desk.

“He’s not old enough to think he’s senile.”

Niccoli sighs.I see a date book that’s fallen to the ground partially under the desk and pick it up.I turn to the page with today’s date.8 p.m.—Meet with Antonio Saverino,it reads.I turn the book toward Niccolo, bringing it to his attention.“Who the hell is Antonio Saverino?”I ask.I’ve worked and trained with most of the underbosses, and I’ve never heard of this man.That’s not to say he isn’t one of ours, because Alessio commands thousands of men throughout the city.

“Never heard of the guy,” Niccolo grumbles, taking the book out of my hand and flipping through the pages.“This guy didn’t exist until a week after you were attacked.”He continues to scan the pages, paying close attention.“Then it seems that he met with Angelo regularly, weekly.”He takes the book and heads for the door.“Let’s go.I want to call Alessio and see if he’s ever heard of this guy.”

We say our goodbyes to Tomasso’s mother, reassuring her that we’ll find her son, and take off.In the car, Niccolo makes the call and tells Alessio what we’ve found.He’s on his way to the bunkhouse to see what Tomasso knows about this man and is going to have Davide do a search for him on the internet.

Niccolo and I drive to three different locations that Angelo normally works from, and no one has seen Angelo yet today.At our last stop, we learn that one of his men, Theo, has been trying to get in touch with him without any luck.Niccolo and I immediately notice the concern on the faces of these men.