Page 37 of Reign of Commotion

“Mr.Corso hasn’t been here at all today.He was supposed to be here hours ago to approve the shipment.It has to go out tonight,” Theo informs us.

Niccolo jerks his head toward the shipment and says to me, “Go take a look.Make sure it all matches.If it does, I’ll approve it.”He looks back at Theo.“You come with me.”

I go off with some of the guys and inspect the shipping containers and crates to make sure it’s all there.We have a deal with several dealers and part of the deal says that if we’re late on delivery, they take ten percent off the original agreed-upon price.With the size of this shipment, we’re talking over a hundred thousand dollars.Alessio would flip his lid.

It’s several hours later before we sort through it all, but in the end, we’re ready to move it all out on trucks and to our counterparts.I make sure the trucks are loaded, and all the documents are in order should the drivers get stopped.I’ve alerted the local law enforcement on the payroll that we’re rolling out product tonight and to keep the roads clear.

Niccolo and I stay until the last truck is out of the lot.Before leaving, Niccolo asks Theo to call Angelo’s home to see if he’s back yet.“Tell him you just want to remind him of the shipment going out,” Niccolo directs him.Angelo picks up and tells Theo he’ll be there in the morning.

We say our goodbyes and call Alessio on our way.He’s furious abut the shipment, but that takes a back burner to Angelo’s involvement with a man no one has ever heard of.

“Angelo is supposed to meet with the guy tonight at eight,” Niccolo reminds him.

“If he can remember where he has to be,” Alessio replies snidely.

“Has Davide found anything more on this Antonio guy?”I ask.

“He’s not part ofIl Destinoand Davide is doing some program algorithm to see what he can find,” Alessio responds, then adds.“You say Angelo’s home.I’ll send a direct order to his men to inform me when he leaves and have the driver alert us too.You might as well come back here while we wait it out.”

“On our way,” Niccolo says.

* * *


It’s good to feel useful.When Josie suggested that I make dessert for tonight, I nearly did a happy jig.She started talking about how much Alessio likes his hazelnut chocolate, and I mentioned this super-easy recipe I learned from the cook when I worked at the diner.I’m not into complicated recipes, but this one is easy and filled with chocolatey hazelnut goodness.

Alessio’s been locked in his office, coming out periodically to kiss his wife or play with his son, Nico.He really is a complicated man.He’s the most feared man in our world, but he sits on the floor and plays trucks with his Nico, making my heart melt.

I think Julian will be a wonderful father.He has such patience, and he’s had a very good role model.Joe Sr.has mastered balancing being a killer by day and loving father by night.And somewhere along the way, he’s been able to raise his children to be respectful, loving people.I know he still mourns the loss of his firstborn.I wish I could say that I mourn my parents, but I don’t.

The loss I feel is about having a caring home or a room filled with love, good food, and laughter.I honestly can’t remember a time when I had that with my parents.

But that’s all in the past, and since Josie’s giving me free rein to produce a wonderful, sweet treat, I put my mind to it and start.I think Josie knows that I have to keep my mind busy.I’ve been thinking all day about Julian and whether he’s safe and what he and Niccolo have found out.Alessio did tell me that they were on their way back and that they were picking up Valentina and would be staying for dinner.

I get to work on baking the graham cracker crust, then putting together the cream cheese, icing sugar, whipping cream, and hazelnut spread and mixing it all in thoroughly until it’s silky smooth.As I finish, I feel eyes on me and twist to see Julian leaning against the doorway, watching and smiling.

I drop the spoon into the bowl with a loud clink and race over to him, wrapping my arm around his neck and pressing my lips to his.He immediately takes over, melding his mouth to mine in a ravenous kiss, his hands pressing into my back, pulling me closer, our bodies heated even through the layers of our clothing, and when he breaks the kiss, we’re both breathless.

“What you did just now, remember that.I want that every night I come home,” Julian says with a sexy grin.“I’d like to continue this, but we’re in our capo’s home, and I’m pretty sure he’d blow his stack if he found us fucking on his kitchen floor.”He chuckles.

I giggle, batting my eyes, and respond, “I can’t help if you’re so sexy I can’t keep my hands off you.”

He gives me a swift, hard kiss.“Behave.”He looks past me to the counter.“What are you making?”

“Dessert,” I say proudly and extricate myself, but I take his hand and lead him over to my creation.“It’s really good.It goes in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to set.”I hold up the beater.“Want a taste?”

His tongue darts out, and he takes a lick.His eyes get wide, and he exclaims, “Damn, that’s good.”

My chest swells.I made it for Alessio, but I’m happier that Julian seems to like it.“I hope it’s a hit.I’m not the best baker, but this is the one dessert I make really well,” I tell him with a shy smile.“I’m glad Josie gave me something to do.I was going a little stir-crazy.”

“We found out that Angelo Corso, the guy you met at the blood ceremony, is somehow connected with all this.But I honestly think he isn’t doing it deliberately,” he says.“It’s weird.This guy was always on the ball.Never missed a meeting, and he ran his business right.Shit’s not right.He’s forgetting stuff and has been having violent mood swings.His men are worried, his son is really worried, and his wife is a fucking mess.”

“It seems like Angelo needs help,” I reply.

Julian lifts his brow, leans a hip against the counter, and stares at me.“This man might be responsible, along with some guy named Antonio Saverino, for everything that’s happened since I was kidnapped and left for dead.How do you have compassion for this man?”

I can understand his view.“He’s an older guy, and he may have an illness.You said he’s becoming more forgetful.He’s having these mood swings.I’m far from an expert, but it sounds a lot like dementia or even Alzheimer’s.And if it is, his family is losing their father and husband a little at a time.It’s a horrible disease.Angelo may not even understand what’s happening to him.It’s easy to manipulate someone with this kind of illness.”I gently touch his arm.“He needs help, honey.”