Page 14 of Reign of Commotion

“I’m ready,” she says when she’s done.

We’re ready to leave and walk out when Mom appears at the top of the stairs.“Are you going house hunting?”I should have known that Mom would want to come along.I was hoping to have Milana give her opinion, and with Mom coming along, I think she’ll hold off on telling me what she really thinks.

“This time, it’s just me and Milana, Mom,” I tell her.

She looks hurt, but gives me a curt nod.I climb the steps and whisper in her ear, “We’re picking the top two.Then you’ll meet us there and tell us what you think.Sounds good?”

“Of course, sweetie,” she replies.She’s not okay, but I can’t help that for the moment.Maybe I can get Dad to talk with her later.

We have five houses to look at.All are close to my parents’, but there’s one that sits close to Niccolo and Valentina’s house.When we get to the gates of the main house that I’ve had my eye on, I see Milana’s eyes light up.It’s totally different from the other places we’ve looked at so far.This house is much smaller, but it has character.It’s got a long driveway, and the house is gray and black brick, with huge trees surrounding the property.

The entrance isn’t as imposing as the others, but it has dark beam ceilings and cream walls with a skylight.The rest of the rooms follow suit, with fireplaces in the den, living room, and master bedroom.

“There’s only four bedrooms,” I tell her, “and it’s a ranch-style design.No upper floor.”

“It’s beautiful.It feels like home,” she says breathlessly.I smile as she looks around in awe.This is the place I wanted, but I didn’t want to influence her one way or the other.After all, Milana will be home more than I will.

“This it, then?”I urge.

“We promised your mom we would let her see it,” she reminds me.

“I’ll call her.She’ll like that it’s only twenty-five minutes away from her place,” I say to ease her mind.“Ma, yeah.You got time to come by?”I give her the address, and she’s off the phone faster than a bolt of lightning.

Mom must have had them break the speed limit all the way to get here in under eighteen minutes.

“This place is adorable, but not very big,” Mom says as we give her the tour.“The master is a good size.The other bedrooms too, but you need a guest room.”

“Ma, there are three other empty bedrooms,” I point out.

“You’ll have children, then where would I and your father stay?”she asks.I want to remind her that she’s a short drive away, but I think that would only upset her.

“We’ll build on.There’s plenty of property for that.The kitchen has been newly renovated, and Milana can practice all the dishes you’ve been teaching her to make,” I suggest.

Mom turns to Milana.“What do you think, cara?Do you like this place?”

“I love it.It’s simply…perfect,” she replies, her hands clutched to her chest.

“Then you should have it.”Mom clasps her hands together.“You’ll have to call your father and get the security upgraded.We’ll have to go shopping for furniture.”Mom guides Milana through each room again, taking note of all we’ll need to make this place our own.

In the meantime, I make a few calls.I call Dad first to let him know which house we chose.He’s always preferred the bigger homes, but he doesn’t care one way or another as long as I’m happy.The next call is to the real estate agent to close the deal.

“You’ve got twenty-four hours to make this happen, or I’ll go with another place,” I tell him.He gets on it immediately.He wants this sale; his commission is hefty, and no way is he going to give that up.

I’m about to make my third call, this one to Alessio, when my phone rings.It’s Luciano.

“Your hunch was correct.I had some men drop by her place.It was trashed, and Barry was beaten up pretty badly.I think they didn’t finish him off because they thought he was a vagrant squatting.It was his saving grace.He’s been seen by our doctor.He keeps asking for Linny,” Luciano says.

“That’s what he calls Milana.”I sigh.“Tell him she’s safe, and as soon as he’s healthy, I’ll send someone for him.We need to get him out of town.They may not have put two and two together yet, but they will,” I tell Luciano.“I’m calling Alessio next.”

I’m about to call Alessio when I hear Milana and Mom coming toward me, but I don’t want to upset them.

“We have a place to call home,” Milana says.

“Yeah, we do.”I manage a grin.“I’m sending you back with Mom.I have an urgent matter I have to see to.I’ll be by when I’m done.”

Thank God, Milana is oblivious to what’s going on.I’ll have to tell her about Barry at some point, but I’m going to let her revel in her joy for now.