Page 15 of Reign of Commotion

I’ll Take Care of Him


Alessio’s not happy with the news I give him and insists I go over to meet with him as soon as possible, which is easily done since I’m already close.Josephine meets me at the door with a very concerned expression on her face, Nico by her side, holding on tightly to her leg.

“I’m not sure what you said to him on the phone, but he’s been a bear ever since.He’s on the phone now with Marco Moretti and Nero,” she says, shaking her head.

“Sorry, Josie.I wish I didn’t have to make the call.”

“Val and I were going to go over later to help Milana with the wedding plans, but Alessio has axed that for today,” she huffs.“Nico and I were looking forward to snuggles from Zia Milly.”He has the sweetest smile, grinning from ear to ear, looking up at his mom.Milana would be a good mom.She aspires to be everything her parents weren’t, and that in itself is a good sign.

“He can snuggle with Milana tomorrow.I’ll make arrangements for everyone to come here,” Alessio barks from the hallway.

“It’s not necessary.I’ll have Mom take care of it,” I suggest.Josie’s correct in her analysis of the situation: he’s far from happy.

“If my wife wants to help, she’ll help.But on my terms,” Alessio states, then turns to his wife.“Get on the phone and work out with Milana what still needs to be done and who you need to meet with and get a list together.I’ll take care of the rest.”He veers back in my direction.“My office.Niccolo will be here any minute.”

I follow him straight in.

“Why didn’t you tell me you called Luciano?”he asks gruffly.Shit!I should have run it by Alessio first.

“It was a gut feeling.After you mentioned that Milana might be in danger, it occurred to me that they might go to her apartment.It was a long shot and solely precautionary.I had no clue they’d find Barry in the state he was in.It’s going to kill Milana to know Barry was beaten up.She considers him her only family.”

“Your instinct was dead-on,” he growls.“This Barry guy won’t talk to anyone but Milana.All he does is try to run and call her name.”

“They took care of one another.”I run a hand through my hair.“I can try to get him on the phone and have her calm him down.”

“This doesn’t affect onlyIl Destino.Marco says that two of his whorehouses were hit.We’re checking with Reno and Raffaele, and we’ll decide then how to proceed.”Alessio walks over to me and stares me right in the eyes.“I get that you did what you thought was right, but you fucked up.You will never call out to another family for help without informing me first.Is that understood?”His voice is low and eerie, so you cannot misinterpret his message.Mainly,do not screw up again, or I’ll end you.

“Never again,” I solemnly vow.You can feel the tension in the room.I’m glad when Niccolo shows up.With Niccolo present, we connect with the other capos as well as their consiglieri.

Sebastian and Dante are Reno’s brothers, but they each hold a very important role inNostra Casa.Reno considers them both his consiglieri, but there’s a third man they consider a brother, although not blood.Leo has been Reno’s best friend since childhood.He is as devoted to Reno as I am to Alessio.

Raffaele keeps his inner circle very tight.Ivo is the only man he truly trusts.After being betrayed by his own brother, Raffaele keeps his family hidden from sight most of the time.His wife, Evangeline, is rarely out without him being there to protect her.

“I checked with my men.Matteo and Ivo tell me that things have been unusually quiet,” Raffaele tells us.“Not that I don’t like the lull, but it’s normally followed by an explosion.”

“Same here,” Reno says.“Nothing out of the ordinary, but we know that could turn in an instant.”

“I’m ready to help however you need me,” Dante offers.The man’s a computer geek and dark web genius.Very few have his skills, and those that do happen to be his friends.

“We’ve got nothing to offer up,” Alessio says.“Barry won’t speak to anyone but ‘his Linny,’” he says snidely.“And I’m not sure what they found in her apartment.”

“The place was trashed.The furniture was busted up, and the mattress was sliced.I couldn’t make head or tail of it,” Luciano adds.

“Did anyone check for fingerprints?”Dante asks.

“No.The minute we saw Barry, our first thought was to get him out, get him help, and hopefully, he could tell us more,” Luciano responds.

“Could he make the flight out to us?I’m thinking Milana might be able to get him to talk,” Alessio suggests.

“I want Nero with him,” Marco says.

“Absolutely,” Alessio agrees.

“I’ll send my plane for him.Leo will join,” Reno says.

“I’ll go too.I can go with Luciano to the apartment.I know what Dante’s looking for.Maybe I’ll get lucky,” Sebastian offers.